We live in a day and time where there are so many ways to communicate. Decades ago there were no cell phones, Internet, or cable television. These are things that Christians in today's time must adapt to while also remaining spiritual. As we go throughout our day we hear many voices whether it's from the radio, television, Internet, or cell phone conversations. Many people have cell phone plans with at least 1,000 anytime minutes (16.6hrs). How many of those 16hrs of talk time were used for the Kingdom of God? When we begin to ask ourselves these critical questions then we can get to the root of whether we are in a position to hear God's voice or whether we have too many demons speaking in our ear. What type of music do we listen to? All a demonic inspiration needs is a vessel to operate through. These demonic inspirations can operate through the music we listen to, the websites we visit, the television shows we watch, and the cell phone conversations we have. If you were to take an inventory of the voices that you allow to entertain you and influence you; would you be able to discern the voice of God. The more we allow voices and situations that are not of God to dominate our time, we in turn become desensitized to the voice of God and cannot discern whether He is speaking to us through His Word, through prayer, or through situations. I just want to encourage you to take a spiritual inventory and ask yourself; whose speaking in your ear?