Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Desensitized to the voice of God: too many demons speaking in your ear

We live in a day and time where there are so many ways to communicate. Decades ago there were no cell phones, Internet, or cable television. These are things that Christians in today's time must adapt to while also remaining spiritual. As we go throughout our day we hear many voices whether it's from the radio, television, Internet, or cell phone conversations. Many people have cell phone plans with at least 1,000 anytime minutes (16.6hrs). How many of those 16hrs of talk time were used for the Kingdom of God? When we begin to ask ourselves these critical questions then we can get to the root of whether we are in a position to hear God's voice or whether we have too many demons speaking in our ear. What type of music do we listen to? All a demonic inspiration needs is a vessel to operate through. These demonic inspirations can operate through the music we listen to, the websites we visit, the television shows we watch, and the cell phone conversations we have. If you were to take an inventory of the voices that you allow to entertain you and influence you; would you be able to discern the voice of God. The more we allow voices and situations that are not of God to dominate our time, we in turn become desensitized to the voice of God and cannot discern whether He is speaking to us through His Word, through prayer, or through situations. I just want to encourage you to take a spiritual inventory and ask yourself; whose speaking in your ear?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Spiritual Collision: have you been rehabilitated?

Car collisions occur everyday. Once a collision happens it is recommended that you see a physician immediately. The consequences of not seeing a physician can lead to long term damage/consequences in your body. Many times after a car collision people may not feel any pain or discomfort right away. When we begin to look at this same concept from a spiritual perspective, it is very imperative that we understand the ramifications of spiritual warfare. Many people have been in spiritual collisions with "sin" in which their faith, anointing, praise, worship, or testimony were destroyed in the collision. There are many things in the spirit realm that we must seek to avoid, just like when driving a vehicle there are certain things that we must avoid in order to prevent an accident/collision from occurring. Many individuals have encountered "sin" in the spirit realm whether it was knowingly or unknowingly, and have not been rehabilitated from that spiritual collision with sin. An encounter with sin can have a devastating effect on one's spiritual walk. They may feel that they are okay after the encounter, but the truth of the matter is that the Bible states in Romans 6:23 that "the wages of sin is death". Just because you feel that you survived an encounter with sin does not mean that you have been cleared by the physician whose name is Jesus. Have you seen this physician called Jesus ever since your spiritual collision occurred? There is a Biblical prescription on how to deal with the effects of sin and "repentance" is one of the ingredients in the prescription. I just want to encourage you to examine yourself so that you can walk in the fullness of your destiny.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Detach yourself: The prize is too precious

Throughout my life I have met many people and also been in many unfavorable situations. As I look back I can recall that there has been a very important constant in my life. This constant is the fact that who ever has meant me harm did not remain in my atmosphere. Since I have been living for Christ I realize that even before I committed myself to living for Jesus , He always removed people out of my life that meant to do me harm in any way. Even if I had a bad experience with an individual, eventually the individual would be removed from my atmosphere/surroundings. Now that I am saved I have came into the knowledge of praying certain prayers that can remove certain individuals out of my atmosphere that may not have my interests or the kingdom of God's interests in mind which are also my interests. The sooner that an individual realizes that in life the only prize that matters is the ultimate prize of living in eternity with God, the sooner they should begin to separate themselves from anything that hinders them from reaching this ultimate prize. Family members, friends, and ideas should not be the things that hinder us from reaching the ultimate goal of reigning with Jesus. When an individual has no hope/relationship with Jesus they in turn remain attached to the things that keep them from abiding with Him forever. I just want to encourage you to begin to detach yourself from anything that may cause you to miss this ultimate prize, because the prize is too precious.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sensitized through His embracing love

As I walk through this life I have experienced many stages in life that have helped catapult me into greater levels. I realize that sometimes the places you want to get to in life take a little more sacrifice and suffering to get to than other places do. Every level that you want to get to involves a process and an element of the process can sometimes be this element called "pain". There are many perspectives that can be used in regards to how one deals with pain. Athletes might feel that pain equals progress. Some others may feel that pain is the limit for them and in turn is a sign that they should "stop". When a mother is pregnant with a child they may feel that the pain is necessary in order to bring forth precious life. Before I gave my life to Christ there were certain things that I was immune/de-sensitized to around me. Now that I am saved though I have became sensitive to many more things in my life and how they effect me, i.e. spiritual condition of unsaved family members, my lifestyle, my destiny, well being of strangers that I don't know, my future spouse and children. Once someone experiences a greater love through Christ Jesus, they in turn should begin to shift their perspective in order to become sensitized to what Jesus is sensitized to. This is a sign that one is truly ready to grow in relationship and in turn experience a greater level of His embracing love