Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Seeking to Enter God's Presence Without His Spirit

As I sit here and write I think of how many people strive toward destinations without the necessary pre-conditions(prerequisites) that are required to arrive at the destination which they are seeking. Why would I seek to drive from Ohio to Florida without the proper pre-condition called "fuel." Why would someone seek to enroll in college knowing that they never finished high school. Lacking the necessary pre-conditions can cause one to never arrive at their destination. People have destinations that relate to marriage, anointings, elevation, worship, careers, ministry, and finances.

Many individuals seek after natural destinations (i.e. relationships), but there are those who also desire to reach spiritual destinations(i.e. higher consecration) . Whenever I seek the presence of God there is a level of humility that must be within me before I can tap into His atmosphere. Just as specific keys are used for specific homes, there is a certain key which is required to enter the dwelling place of God's presence. There is a pre-condition which must be met before one can enter God's atmosphere. Just as a vehicle recognizes the proper ignition key; God recognizes the proper(authentic) spirit. Do you have this authentic spirit(key) called the Holy Ghost?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Time to Invest in Christ: The INFINITE STOCK

Infinite: Limitless, without end, bottomless, eternal, everlasting, and immeasurable.

Have you ever invested (entrusted) time and energy into something or someone, and then eventually as time went by you ended up regretting your investment? Some parents invest money into special accounts such as 529 college saving accounts with the expectation that their child will go to college. Some parents invest time and money into sports with the expectation that their child will become a successful athlete. Many people invest in dating and relationships only for the end result to be disappointment. If I was investing in a stock called "dating & relationships" and my return on investment (ROI) was "wasted time, energy and money," I would fire the stockbroker ! !

There has never been a more opportune time to invest in your spiritual/moral life then right now. It is always an opportune time to invest in your character and destiny. Is the market (merchandise) of your soul ready for the investment of Christ? The blood of Christ was invested for us, and the benefits are still being reaped. The return on investment from this blood has been paramount, and the profit distribution(dividends) from this sacrificial investment is still being calculated. Investing in this infinite stock called Christ can produce dividends that can not be computed by any investment calculator.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Love that Pierces the Fabric of Pain

Have you ever experienced a love which pierced the fabric (condition) of your pain? True love should be able to pierce through any fabric of darkness. True love is like a light that shines and a fire that burns. The heat of true love should melt away any residue of doubt, and the light of true love should overshadow any condition of darkness. If pain was a raindrop, then the atmosphere of true love would cause it to evaporate. True love can be painful, but this type of pain produces strength. The end result of true love should never be weakness. Is the love that you are experiencing causing you to be stronger or weaker?

When the taste buds of my heart first experienced the aroma(taste) of true love, I knew it was genuine. The true spirit of love can never be imitated. There is something about genuine love that sticks to the walls of the heart. This residue of true love that paints the walls of our heart can succor(absorb) any pain which seeks our demise(destruction). When love pierces the fabric of pain there is a release of peace which saturates the atmosphere of the soul. The aroma of peace is the evidence that the dew of pain has evaporated from the ground of our heart. Have you experienced this true love which comes through Christ Jesus?