Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Power of Fear

Have you ever feared(reverenced) God to the point where you did not want to cause harm(verbal,physical,emotional) or damage to that which belonged to God? Psalm 24:1 states "The earth is the LORD'S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein." Have you ever loved your family to the point where you would never do anything toward those things which God loved, because it could ultimately interrupt (hinder) the favor of God for your family. As I sit here and write there is a question which comes to my mind which is "can bitter and sweet come from the same source?" They which truly fear God do not seek to cause harm to those things which God loves.

The longer I live the more I begin to observe the lack of reverential fear that people have toward God. The fear of God causes me to be convicted in my heart when I misrepresent the God I say I love. The power of fear keeps me from doing or saying certain things which I know will cause harm to those who God loves (John 3:16 states "for God so loved the world"). The power of fear is the pre-condition which causes me to confess and repent to God and ask for his forgiveness when I disappoint him. The power of fear causes me to be uncomfortable in the presence of those who lack fear(respect) toward God. My prayer is that the fear of God will penetrate(pierce) the hearts of men in these last and evil days.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Poem: Success

Success is when your family looks up to you and respects you

Success is when your friends and family members trust you enough to pray for them

Success is when you can pray in the name of Jesus and things happen

Success is when you can go to sleep with a clean(pure) conscience

Success is when you can live in peace

Success is when you have a trustworthy name

Success is when you choose to serve the will of God rather than serve the will of Satan and sin

Success is when God heals your body without any surgery

Success is when we see ourselves how God sees us

Success is when you have a heart and mind to confess and repent when you fall short of the will of God for your life

Success is when the grace of God covers us

Success is when we are in the will of God


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

HE THAT FINDETH A .......... The Dimension of Finding

Proverbs 18:22 states "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD."

Have you continually obtained favor since you found? We live in an age where the methodology of finding something has become simplified. There are many options. If I want to find a restaurant there are a plethora of options; I can pull it up on my cell phone, check on the internet, look in the phone book, or call 411. I can choose to "find" this restaurant using the cyber method(internet), the air wave (telephone)method, or the paper (phone book) method. I may have one objective but many ways to reach this objective.

How do you find something that is birthed in the Spirit? Can you use a natural method to "find" that which is birthed spiritually. Can that which is divine be found with natural eyes? There is a natural dimension through which one can seek & find, which will manifest (show) unto them eye color, hair length, body size, acne, skin complexion, and height. I have come to the realization (revelation) though that there is another dimension through which one can "attain" something which is through the "divine (spiritual)" dimension of finding.
In this spiritual dimension everything that God shows you is beautiful, unlike the natural (carnal) dimension through which people can find many flaws. What dimension of finding are you operating in?