As someone that is single and trying to live for Jesus the challenge for me is knowing what things to do to continue to build a growing/vibrant relationship with Christ. I am realizing that it takes a certain amount of creativity and effort in order to grow a relationship. It can be so easy to get stuck in doing the same mundane things that are familiar to me. Before I got saved I was creative and spontaneous when it came to me expressing my feelings for the opposite sex. The challenge for me is making sure that I remain creative and spontaneous in my relationship with Christ. The same way that I strived to remain innovative in regards to how I displayed my affection before I got saved, has to be displayed on an even greater level now that I am saved. If I am able to build a strong and vibrant relationship with someone that I cannot physically see, than how much more prosperous shall my relationship with my wife be in whom I will be able to see once I step into that arena of my life? With so many distractions and temptations pulling and tugging at my time and energy how do I maintain a relationship with the one whom first loved me? What boundaries do I draw in my life to make sure that no other relationship(s) is stealing time away from me and Jesus? I just want to encourage those of you who are in this dilemma to take your creativity, intimacy, spontaneity, and energy to another level when it comes to entreating Jesus who is the only mate that should currently matter.