In 1981 I was born out of wedlock and grew up in a single parent home with no father. Some would classify this as a broken family, but in April of 2003 I entered into a new family when I was baptized and saved from my old lifestyle. The Bible states "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God". We all have natural families, but the new birth process allows us to enter into a spiritual family. God is the father of this family and his children are those who have also entered into His kingdom. Are you just a creation of God or also a child of God? There are prerequisites (pre-conditions) that come with being considered a child of God. I just can't go to someone's house and tell another family that I want to be part of their family. There is a process that one must go through to enter into a family whether it is through the process of adoption or through the birth process. My question for you today is "Whose kingdom are you living in?" We have all experienced the shortcomings of our natural families, but it is not God's intention for us to remain ignorant of the kingdom of God. Satan has blinded many people's minds so that they do not know what to expect out of a family. The father of this family does not lack joy, peace, righteousness, integrity, or wisdom. If you are already a part of this kingdom I congratulate you. If you are not a part of this kingdom than I just want to encourage you to consider this question "What am I looking for in a family?"
1 comment:
I think the way this blog ended is powerful. "What are you looking for in a family?" There is only one perfect father, and that is our Heavenly Father, whose love never fails and will always endure. He's everything and I could ever ask for and all the things I never thought of asking for. Everyday He teaches His children how to be better brothers and sisters to one another. He's a really good Daddy :-)
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