Many times in life we become so familiar/comfortable with people or situations. This familiarity can sometimes become a hindrance when it comes to displaying a sense of urgency. We as Christians should be careful not to take the treasures of God for granted just assuming that they will always be available. There are people in our lives that if we do not connect with in the right season, it can ultimately alter our destiny. As I was studying the true meaning of the word "virtuous" in the Bible as it pertained to the virtuous woman I came across the same word for "wealth." If someone does not know the holistic meaning of "true wealth" they may not see a virtuous woman as a symbolism of wealth. This is why our perspectives must be shaped in such a way as to not miss these treasures that God has placed within His house. God positions us within the right season to eventually make the right choices. We must be careful not to let our familiarity with people or situations prevent us from hearing how God is speaking to us, in regards to the next step in our destiny which is "time-sensitive." There is a spirit of Uncertainty which seeks to make us second guess our destiny which Christ Jesus has for us. I once heard my Bishop say that "familiarity breeds content." In times like this it is easy to take the safe road; but making the right decision in the right season can keep you on the right path toward your ultimate destiny in Christ Jesus.