Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Positioned to be connected to His presence?

We are living in a day and time where people want to be connected. Whether it is being connected via (cell phone, email, Internet, radio, television, text messaging, etc...) . In this world of technology though there is a price to pay for being connected, whether it is a cell phone bill, cable bill, or Internet provider bill. There are also consequences when we do not pay these bills which can result in us becoming disconnected. When we look at being connected in regards to "spiritually connected", then we must know that there is a price (bill) that must be paid so that we remain connected to God's presence. We must pay the price of sacrifice in regards to our time to prayer, fasting, meditating, reading the Word, etc. There are also times in the natural when we may not have a "signal" i.e. Internet,cell phone, or satellite television/radio signal) . The reason there is no signal in the natural is because one may be in a bad position which is causing the "signal" to be weak or non-existent. When we look at this from a spiritual perspective we must in turn remain positioned so that our signal and/or line of communication with God is not distorted, weak, or failing. Remaining in the right position with God entails us remaining in His will which is in the context of the Holy Bible. I just want to encourage you today to begin to look at the parallels of what it takes to remain connected in the natural world, and then apply those same concepts spiritually in order to remain correctly positioned and connected to His presence.

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