Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A night of pleasure, mingled with a lifetime of struggle

Pleasure: The state or feeling of being pleased or gratified. A source of enjoyment or delight. Sensual gratification or indulgence. As I look back over my life I can pinpoint various moments that were turning points for me, both positive and negative. When I reflect back on what the common denominator was which caused me to have my negative turning points, I must honestly say that "curiosity" was the factor. Curiosity can be a key which moves you into various realms which can alter your destiny. Curiosity can lead you to unlock different entrances which should have never been unlocked. The things that are behind those entrances can be things that you should have never experienced at the time that you experienced them. There have been times where I only experienced something for one night, but the effect lasted much longer. There are mental, emotional, and physical struggles (urges) that must be taken into account when considering the aftermath of our actions. A night of pleasure for you can lead to a lifetime of struggle for someone else and vice versa. Until an individual comes into the realization that it is going to take a greater force than them to deliver them from their tainted past, than their struggle(s) will continue. When I committed my ways to Jesus my desires (cravings) changed. When you are driven by your unbridled desires you in turn become subjugated to your fetishes, cravings, pleasures , and desires which are only temporary. I just want to encourage you to consider your ways so that you can maximize the potential of your life.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Second Marriage: the divine preparation

Marriage is a social, spiritual, or legal union of individuals. This union may also be called matrimony, while the ceremony that marks its beginning is usually called a wedding and the married status created is sometimes called wedlock (alliance, link, association). There are many concepts behind marriage. Before marriage is entered into the individuals must consider the intertwining of their destinies. Marriage can be likened to a liquid mixture. When two different liquid substances are mixed together the chemistry changes and the mixture becomes one substance made up of multiple properties. There are substances that have never been mixed before which means that the outcome may be "unknown." The "faith" factor in regards to marriage can not be ignored. I made a decision in 2003 to come into a spiritual union with Christ and this spiritual union altered the direction in life that I was headed. If you can maintain a successful spiritual marriage than how much more successful should you be in regards to maintaining a natural (earthly) marriage? In my spiritual marriage there have been sacrifices. There are certain atmospheres, behaviors, and paradigms (mindsets) that I have to surrender in order to give this spiritual union a chance to reach its full potential without hindrance. Premature marriages are underdeveloped marriages. Until you allow your paradigm and every fabric of your being to be inspired by God, then you will lack the divine preparation that is necessary to enter into your second marriage (earthly marriage), and maintain it. Many individuals are lacking the divine preparation that comes only by being married to Christ. This unwillingness by individuals is threatening the quality of their marriage. I just want to encourage you to allow yourself to be divinely positioned so that you can be divinely prepared.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Corrupted Mind: the matrix of a mutated destiny

Matrix: situation or surrounding substance within which something else originates, develops, or is contained (form, grid, model, mold, origin, pattern, source, womb) . Whenever you see something that has been manifested you must be aware that there is always a source from where it came. It can be your destiny, condition of your marriage, behavior of your children, your status at your job, or the condition of your health. It is not logical for something to come from nothing. When you look at the condition of your life whether it is spiritually, physically, mentally, or emotionally you must come to a conclusion of what influence has caused you to be where you are whether bad or good. The mind is a very powerful faculty of our being. A corrupted mind just continues to produce corrupted substance. The opposite of a corrupted mind is a pure mind. The purest mind that I know of is the mind of God. Until we come to the realization that a corrupted mind can not lead us to the best outcome for our life, then we will just continue in an unproductive cycle. What atmosphere is surrounding your mind and your thoughts? When a child is in the womb it is known that there are certain behaviors and atmospheres that the mother should not expose herself to. Your mind can be likened to a womb that produces substance. If a womb has been tainted than it can birth something that is mutated. Many times we can have mutated relationships, atmospheres, desires, behaviors and paradigms. I just want to encourage you to seek after God so that you can have the mind of God and in turn produce the best substance for your life.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Animalistic Tendencies and Urges: driven by your pleasures

Urge: an instinctive motive; a strong restless desire (impulse, itch, instinct). As many of us probably already know, there are certain behaviors that are common to animals that are not common to humans. Dogs will eat their food off the ground and not think twice about it. I personally do not know of anyone who prefers to eat their food off of the floor. Animals are also driven by their five senses (touch, taste, feel, hear, sight). We as humans are supposed to be at a higher level of intelligence (superiority) than animals. What separates humans from animals? Animals are driven by their urges (animal instincts) . If animals are driven by these five inspirational senses then we should ask ourselves "what are we driven by?" If a man/woman views the opposite sex through the lens of these 5 senses then has he/she really separated themselves from the perspective of an animal? Should a human be driven by the same motivation as an animal in regards to the opposite sex? When you look at the concept you can begin to see how the line needs to be drawn, so that we as humans are not operating at an inferior primitive level that is normal to animals. Nurturing your animalistic urges can cause you to become more comfortable with inferior behaviors. There is a divine inspiration which can lead and guide those who desire to be led by this inspiration (spirit) of purity. When will you begin to seek a higher level of living which supersedes all animalistic tendencies and urges? Ever since I made up my mind to pursue after the ways of Jesus my quality of life has been transformed to a greater level. I just want to encourage you today to consider the inspiration(s) behind your actions and then decide whether or not you are living above or beneath your privilege as a divine creation.