Urge: an instinctive motive; a strong restless desire (impulse, itch, instinct). As many of us probably already know, there are certain behaviors that are common to animals that are not common to humans. Dogs will eat their food off the ground and not think twice about it. I personally do not know of anyone who prefers to eat their food off of the floor. Animals are also driven by their
five senses (touch, taste, feel, hear, sight). We as humans are supposed to be at a higher level of intelligence (superiority) than animals. What separates humans from animals? Animals are driven by their urges (
animal instincts) . If animals are driven by these five inspirational senses then we should ask ourselves "what are we driven by?" If a man/woman views the opposite sex through the lens of these
5 senses then has he/she really separated themselves from the perspective of an animal? Should a human be driven by the same motivation as an animal in regards to the opposite sex? When you look at the concept you can begin to see how the line needs to be drawn, so that we as humans are not operating at an inferior primitive level that is normal to animals. Nurturing your
animalistic urges can cause you to become more comfortable with inferior behaviors. There is a divine inspiration which can lead and guide those who desire to be led by this inspiration (spirit) of purity. When will you begin to seek a higher level of living which
supersedes all
animalistic tendencies and urges? Ever since I made up my mind to pursue after the ways of Jesus my quality of life has been transformed to a greater level. I just want to encourage you today to consider the inspiration(s) behind your actions and then decide whether or not you are living above or beneath your privilege as a divine creation.
1 comment:
Be encouraged in your writing and do continue in your good works. The feet of one that bringeth good tidings are blessed. Very interesting peice in its comparison to the awareness facilities of an animal. We can indeed allow our physical senses to elope your spiritual senses in our assessment of the opposite sex. Praise God! Do continue
Sis. Woods
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