Temptation: The act of tempting or the condition of being tempted. Something tempting or enticing. Lure, attraction, seduction, snare, fascination, or trap. We live in a world where people want things fast. People want fast food, fast sex, fast cars, and fast money. When something is done fast it takes less effort than something which takes (quality) time. I have experienced being tempted and not having the power to say no to the "call" of temptation. When I gave my life to Christ I still found myself in situations of temptation; but the only difference now is that I have the power of God within me not to fall victim to the "call" of temptation. The bait of temptation can be as simple as friendship, but the invisible strings of connection can lead you into heartbreak, bitterness, disease, depression, sexual addiction, and even death. When someone calls you answer the call by making a choice to answer the phone. When temptation calls you make a choice to answer this call by aligning your heart and mind with the desires of the temptation.
How many times have you answered the call of temptation? When someone calls the phone doesn't have to ring, sometimes it can just vibrate. How many times has your heart felt the vibrations of temptation that you knew would lead you down a path of destruction by taking you out of the will of God for your life. The call of temptation can be so subtle at times. Before I was saved I was in a state of weakness which is why I answered the call of temptation on multiple occasions. My strength was not sufficient (strong) enough to allow me to escape the presence (atomosphere) of lust and temptation which encapsulated (enslaved) my heart and mind. Are you living in a state of weakness which will eventually lead you down a path of destruction? Temptation leads to sin and the wages (price) of sin is death. Is answering the call of temptation worth you losing your life?