Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Struggles of a Saved Man: When Temptation Calls Will You Answer?

Temptation: The act of tempting or the condition of being tempted. Something tempting or enticing. Lure, attraction, seduction, snare, fascination, or trap. We live in a world where people want things fast. People want fast food, fast sex, fast cars, and fast money. When something is done fast it takes less effort than something which takes (quality) time. I have experienced being tempted and not having the power to say no to the "call" of temptation. When I gave my life to Christ I still found myself in situations of temptation; but the only difference now is that I have the power of God within me not to fall victim to the "call" of temptation. The bait of temptation can be as simple as friendship, but the invisible strings of connection can lead you into heartbreak, bitterness, disease, depression, sexual addiction, and even death. When someone calls you answer the call by making a choice to answer the phone. When temptation calls you make a choice to answer this call by aligning your heart and mind with the desires of the temptation.

How many times have you answered the call of temptation? When someone calls the phone doesn't have to ring, sometimes it can just vibrate. How many times has your heart felt the vibrations of temptation that you knew would lead you down a path of destruction by taking you out of the will of God for your life. The call of temptation can be so subtle at times. Before I was saved I was in a state of weakness which is why I answered the call of temptation on multiple occasions. My strength was not sufficient (strong) enough to allow me to escape the presence (atomosphere) of lust and temptation which encapsulated (enslaved) my heart and mind. Are you living in a state of weakness which will eventually lead you down a path of destruction? Temptation leads to sin and the wages (price) of sin is death. Is answering the call of temptation worth you losing your life?

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Spirit: An inspiration that influences behavior. Animation, motivation, and breath.
Hip Hop: A cultural movement that developed in New York City in the early 1970s primarily among Black Americans and Latino Americans.

Every culture has certain characteristics which causes it to be distinctive from other cultures. Some distinctive elements/customs included in Hip Hop are dancing, graffiti, slang, fashion, beliefs, MCing(rapping), and DJing (mixing beats/lyrics). There are certain customs of some cultures that are in opposition to the customs of other cultures. For example.....The culture of the Ku Klux Klan and the culture of the Black Panthers are in direct opposition to each other because of the nature (substance) of what they both believe. If the Ku Klux Klan were to begin to take upon themselves some of the cultural customs/traits of the Black Panthers then the very nature of who they are would begin to be compromised because of the opposing views of each culture. One dent can diminish the value of a car. One drop of blood can ruin an entire outfit. One terrorist can destroy an entire city. If one aspect of a culture is changed/altered it can pierce (taint,damage) the fabric of that culture for the worse.

Before I gave my life to Christ I used to embrace many of the customs of this culture called Hip Hop (man made culture). I have been on both sides of the fence. I realize now though that I have been engrafted into a Holy culture which was initiated by God and not by man. I realize that what I bring from my previous lifestyle and the cultures associated with that lifestyle can taint the new culture that I have been engrafted into. I don't want to compromise the standard (purity) of this new culture that I have been born into. Many people are struggling (torn) between two cultures. The culture of Holiness is not a culture which needs aspects of other cultures in order to become more effective(relevant). To imply that a culture which God implemented is incomplete/ineffective and needs to be improved is a slap in the face of God. Are you at a crossroads in your life in regards to choosing which culture to be associated with? Seek God and allow him to guide you. I pray that you have the faith to be engrafted into this culture of TRUTH and HOLINESS which was initiated by a perfect and holy God.

Monday, August 10, 2009

A Perfect Gift Received by a Tainted Heart: Unfair Circumstance

Tainted: To become affected with decay or putrefaction; spoil. A moral defect considered as a stain or spot. An infecting touch, influence, or tinge. Contaminated, corrupted, impure, or dirty. Think back to a time when you received something that you felt you didn't deserve. Did you give it back? When the standard of the individual receiving the gift does not measure up to the standard of the gift then should the individual say no to the gift? I have come to the revelation that the perfect gift is never the issue but rather the tainted heart and mind of the individual receiving the perfect gift.

When a perfect gift is placed into a tainted atmosphere this can affect the quality of the gift. The atmosphere of one's heart, mind, and intentions can tarnish a good and perfect gift. Should the perfect gift have to lower its standard in order to align with the tainted atmosphere that it is being received by? The sacrifice of measuring up to the standard of receiving a good and perfect gift comes with a price. The process of preparation that leads to you lining up with the standard to receive the perfect gift is priceless. This process of preparation will determine whether or not you are equipped (able) to maintain/handle the perfect gift that you are given.

The process of preparation can be likened to a "season of seasoning." The right ingredients must be saturated into the soil of your heart and mind so that the end result can be a seasoned recipe that is ready to receive its perfect side dish. A perfect entree deserves a perfect side dish or the meal just isn't complete. In your season of seasoning there is a major ingredient called 'moral excellency' that must be sprinkled throughout the whole recipe. The only atmosphere (oven) that can prepare this perfect dish is the atmosphere (presence) of God. How long will you allow yourself to remain in this atmosphere of purification (molding) that will prepare you to receive your perfect gift? The passion to receive your perfect gift must outweigh the sacrifice of your season of preparation.