Thursday, May 29, 2008

Positioned for God's purpose and desire

As I reflect back just one year ago I realize now that I was at a crossroads in my life. I was no longer employed at the place where I was so passionate about working at. I did not understand at the time why things did not work out with the position even though it was the position that I had desired so badly. Today, I realize that God has strategically placed me here in my current position to reach souls that have been lost or are seeking to believe again. I find myself encouraging people week in and week out. I find myself witnessing to people that are about twice my age. It's as if I have been put into a place where people appreciate my presence more so than the place I was at previously. God does not just place us in positions to abound financially but the Bible states "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Are you losing your soul? Money can't heal a broken family or a broken heart. I deal with people on a daily basis that are in a struggle in their lives and I understand that through the power of Christ Jesus that I can help ease their hearts and minds as they come in contact with me. I encourage you today to let God use you to ease someone's soul that may be struggling or may just need Christ in their life.

1 comment:

LaToyia said...

"...Satan has desired to sift you as wheat, but when you overcome strenthen the bretheren."

Praise God for your testimony. Keep up the good work encouraging the saints and drawing future saints. :-)