Passion: A powerful emotion, such as love, joy, hatred, or anger. We all have destinies, but the question becomes how many people have the passion to pursue after their destiny or even have the passion to want to know their destiny? Many people understand that their destiny requires them being saved and living for Jesus, but they still have not made that committment so they never become what they are meant to be. We all have family members that need Jesus, but many people lack the passion to want to see their family members saved so they remain content seeing them unsaved. For some it only takes a small obstacle to discourage them from seeking after their destiny. For others they have decided that no matter what obstacle comes they are going to continue pressing toward their destiny. There are parents who have lost the passion to want to see their children saved so they lower their parenting standards. Passion is not something that you can take a pill for. Either you possess it or you don't. Prayer does change things, but if you lack the passion to pray then how can prayer help? Passion is what separates one ministry from another ministry. Passion is what makes a Christian pursue after a standard of holiness as stated in Leviticus 11:44. We all have passions for many things. I just want to encourage you today to ask yourself "What do I have a passion for". Jesus had a passion to die for us so I have chosen Jesus as my passion.
Passion is so important. But the lack of passion can be detremental. It reminds me of the scripture Revelation 3:16 that speaks to being lukewarm, how God would spue them out of his mouth.
I strive to be hot at all times. To do so means that i must stay fueled in God's word, hot and fervent in prayer, and passionate about truly living for God. Passion is necessary in all aspects of life. But, when it comes to God,, passion is a life or death matter. Just as you mentioned, Jesus' passion for us led him to the cross. What will our passion for him cause us to do.
This was a good topic!
I just wanted to say that I finally read your blog from last week. All I have to say is that you have a real gift from God that amazes me each and every time. You have such a way with words that it pierces people's hearts. God is truly using you through this blog each and every week. He is not using you just to save those who are lost, but he is also using you to encourage and help those are saved. I pray the Lord will continually bless you and inspire you.
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