Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tainted Experiences: life through a double lens

Tainted - A moral defect considered as a stain or spot. An infecting touch, influence, or tinge. As I look back at the situations I found myself in especially with regards to how I related to women; I would have to say that I truly had a tainted mindset. I would view women in a way that I would not want a man to view my mother or grandmother. This tainted mindset was driven by my atmosphere which was inspired by my music, friends, and unregenerated spirit. Until there is a change in one's atmosphere there can be no real change. The way I viewed beauty was tainted. The lens I was looking at beauty through was full of lusty residue. I John 2:16 states "For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world". I found myself in unfavourable situations growing up because of my tainted view of life. If I am driving a car and the windshield is muddy then most likely I am going to go in a path or direction that I did not intend to go. Until the lens (perspective) on how you view life has been adjusted then your experiences will remain tainted and your destiny will remain blurry. When I changed my lifestyle by giving my life over to Jesus through the new birth process is when the "lens" on how I viewed life became clearer. By giving my life to Christ I can now say that I have seen life through a "double" lens. The first lens was tainted through my sinful lifestyle and this new lens (my 2nd lens) has been purified through Christ. I just want to encourage you today to seek the other perspective of life through a purified lens so that you can clearly begin to see your destiny.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New Creation, Old Standards

2 Corinthians 5:17 states "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new". New - Not habituated; not familiar; unaccustomed. Fresh from anything; newly come. Newly; recently. When one becomes a new creation there should also be a new paradigm shift even in regards to our preferences. I have been asked on numerous ocassions what I look for in a mate. I always think back to what I looked for in a mate before I became a new creation and I make a comparison to my present mindset (post-salvation), because there should be a difference in my preferences. Our lifestyle preferences should never supercede our spiritual well-being. I have asked the question before " what is the difference between what I am attracted to now compared to before I became a new creation?". If there is not a distinctive difference then there is still something that is hindering one from becoming holistically a "new creation". Another word for "new" is freshness. Can someone have fresh preferences with the "old" foundation of a previous mindset? What I was previously attracted to in regards to music, career(s), life, television shows, clothing, friends should not be the same as what I am attracted to (prefer) as a new creation. If there is an inconsistency it is not because of the process of salvation but rather the will power (choices) of the individual to be completely transformed versus partially transformed. I just want to encourage you today to believe at a greater level so that you can be transformed from your old mindset/preferences through your faith in Christ Jesus.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The disconnect of expectation(s)

I grew up in a home where my mother displayed a certain level of love. I attend a church where there is a certain level of expectation in regards to lifestyle. I have a certain expectation in regards to the type of woman that I want to marry. When you have a certain expectation about something then your lifestyle should portray it. I believe that I serve an awesome, magnificent, holy, and infinite God. If I have high expectations of my God then I should not have low expectations as it relates to the things that God can do. There is no reason for you to think that you do not deserve the best God has to offer you. The best husband, wife, career, ministry, children, and life. Low expectations = little faith. If God shows you someone as a potential future mate it will be up to you as to whether you believe you are worthy enough for that individual. The individual may be farther than you in their career or even in ministry. The expectation(s) that you have of the God you serve will ultimately affect the quality of what you get in life. There are certain individuals that settle for less because their self-esteem/confidence is not where it needs to be to receive what God is trying to give them. If you serve a God with no limits then you should not be trying to put limits on the type of spouse, career, ministry, lifestyle, job, business, anointing, or friends that God is capable of giving you. If someone is a janitor then why can't they marry an evangelist? If someone is an undergrad student in college then why can't they marry a successful business owner? If someone is just an usher then why can't they marry a pastor? When you say that you serve a God that can do anything but you do not expect the best things, then there is a disconnect in the expectation that you have of your God. I just want to encourage you to position your focus on the best things in life that a magnificent God is capable of giving you.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

An Infinite Romance: inferior love just won't do

Infinite: never-ending, everlasting , limitless, no boundaries, immeasurable. I was talking with a couple of friends a few days ago and the two words "infinite romance" came up while we were talking. I began to think about what that entailed. I have experienced a father telling me that he loved me, but have yet to experience the substance of relationship behind his words. I have experienced the love of my immediate family, but there are days that I do not even see or hear from them. I have experienced individuals in the Church tell me that they love me but then struggle to fellowship with me. I have never been seriously "in" love with anyone before; so I ask the question "can any love compare to the love that I am experiencing now with Christ Jesus through His grace?". I have never cared about about a person to the point where I felt incomplete without them, but I need God daily. People have told me that it is better to "have loved" than to "have not" loved at all. Every rendezvous that I have had with Jesus has never been disappointing. I have been on numerous dates where I wish I could have been somewhere else with someone else. I have never heard God tell me that he was too tired or too busy for me. When you have experienced inferior love and the shortcomings that come with inferior love there should be a desire in you that wants more. It is a shame to be at the point where you feel that you only deserve an inferior love. I am living proof that once you submit your lifestyle to God that His love will satisfy you. Until you have experienced this infinite romance you have never experienced a superior love which only comes through Jesus. I dedicate this blog post to my two dear friends; you know who you are.