I grew up in a home where my mother displayed a certain level of love. I attend a church where there is a certain level of expectation in regards to lifestyle. I have a certain expectation in regards to the type of woman that I want to marry. When you have a certain expectation about something then your lifestyle should portray it. I believe that I serve an awesome, magnificent, holy, and infinite God. If I have high expectations of my God then I should not have low expectations as it relates to the things that God can do. There is no reason for you to think that you do not deserve the best God has to offer you. The best husband, wife, career, ministry, children, and life. Low expectations = little faith. If God shows you someone as a potential future mate it will be up to you as to whether you believe you are worthy enough for that individual. The individual may be farther than you in their career or even in ministry. The expectation(s) that you have of the God you serve will ultimately affect the quality of what you get in life. There are certain individuals that settle for less because their self-esteem/confidence is not where it needs to be to receive what God is trying to give them. If you serve a God with no limits then you should not be trying to put limits on the type of spouse, career, ministry, lifestyle, job, business, anointing, or friends that God is capable of giving you. If someone is a janitor then why can't they marry an evangelist? If someone is an undergrad student in college then why can't they marry a successful business owner? If someone is just an usher then why can't they marry a pastor? When you say that you serve a God that can do anything but you do not expect the best things, then there is a disconnect in the expectation that you have of your God. I just want to encourage you to position your focus on the best things in life that a magnificent God is capable of giving you.
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