Lust: To have an intense or obsessive desire, especially one that is sexual. Intense eagerness or enthusiasm. There are so many things in life in which we can overindulge in. Many times we may overindulge in behaviors because we feel inadequate/unfulfilled in a certain area in our lives. Just as a fungus spreads is the same way that lust can spread depending on where you are being affected (mind ,emotions, choices). When lust enters your mind it can manifest itself anywhere in your life. Lust is not a remedy but rather a disease. There will come a point in your life when you realize that the things (relationships, careers, finances, material things) that are at the source of your lust are no longer fulfilling you. Trying to fulfill lust can be likened a hole in the bottom of a cup; no matter how much fluid you pour into that cup it is still going to be empty in the end i.e. time,energy(emotions), money. Unbridled lust can never be satisfied so it continues to grow exponentially. Something that can not be conquered by you will ultimately destroy you. When you come to the realization of this "dead-end" in your life , just remember that there is a "pure" source of life which never ends. Just look at the condition of your life and determine whether you consider that to be true life. Jesus stated that he is "the way the truth and the life." When you've poured so many resources into something and it becomes likened to the proverbial cup with a hole in it that can never be filled, then you must reconsider your ways and seek a more pure way in life. I just want to encourage you today seek after the true way of life.
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