Disease: Illness or sickness often characterized by typical patient problems (symptoms) and physical findings (signs). People die everyday from things that could have been prevented or delayed. It seems logical that if someone knows that they are dying from something, for them to change their lifestyle and/or pattern of choices. Some people would rather die not knowing the cause of their condition because they feel that being ignorant is the best way for them to deal (cope) with their reality. "Ignorance" and "denial" have never cured any disease. The sooner that we can identify an illness is the sooner that it can be addressed. There is a spiritual disease called sin which manifests itself in various ways. It can manifest itself in someone's mind and cause them to molest, rape, murder, steal, or lie. A symptom of Aids is weight loss, a symptom of herpes is warts, and a major symptom of sin is disobedience to the will of God which places you in a spiritual state of death. Every disease has an inspiration (cause) behind it. There are also atmosphere's in which diseases can thrive. Some people know the cure to their disease. Do you know the cure to yours? The Bible states in John 3:3-7 a specific way to address this disease called "sin". If your spirit has not been transplanted (transposed, uprooted) with the Spirit of Jesus then you have a deteriorating disease and are in need of a spiritual transplant. Some patients are given specific prescriptions and may never follow the prescription, and we know that all diseases have consequences. Are you willing to be cured?
1 comment:
Wow...this one was really deep. This one makes you think. This is one of your best. Were you praying and fasting when you wrote this one or when you got the inspiration for it? Be blessed.
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