Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Letting down your guard to allow true love to enter

Guard: To protect from harm by watching over. To maintain control over, as to prevent indiscretion. Screen, security, shield, protector, armor, shepherd, or watch person. For some people there comes a point in their life when they have to take an inventory of the relationships (business, family, friendships, etc...) in their life. How can a relationship grow if it is never evaluated to see whether or not it is progressing. There needs to be a way of measuring in order to allow you to make a cognizant decision about the direction you should take. Over the years I have had to evaluate my standards and whether or not I was being reasonable in my approach to assessing my relationships. I have come to the realization that it takes faith to allow God to come in and help you manage your relationships both natural and spiritual. Often times I have tried to take the safe road in order to avoid certain pitfalls. As I sit here and I type I wonder if the safe road is always the best road. When someone falls in love is this the safe road? Does love hurt or does love heal? As I sit here and type I realize that if one is to travel down the road called love then they have to allow love a way of access into the fiber of their being. When you are used to having your guard up then you are never in a position to receive pure love. When God was drawing me to him I had to let my guard down in order to allow him in. God was my first love. How much more should someone let down their guard down to allow their second love to enter? I just want to encourage you to allow true love to enter so that you can be transformed into who you are meant to be.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Tearing of the Heart: When The Pain Becomes Normal

Tear: To pull apart or into pieces by force. To make (an opening) by ripping. To separate forcefully. To divide or disrupt. As I came up with this topic I thought about what it would take in order for an individual to consider pain to be normal. There are some individuals that view the opposite sex through a certain lens, e.g. lens of lust. This does not make their perspective right, but through repetition this has become normal to them. How many times does it take for someones heart to be broken for them to consider this normal? How many tainted encounters with false love does it take before someone considers this to be real love? An aspect of true love is commitment. There are many people trying to operate in true love without "commitment." If someone tried to make lemonade without lemons this would not be considered real lemonade, because an essential ingredient in lemonade is lemons. An essential component of love is commitment. I never experienced a real commitment of pure love until I encountered God's love. This type of love is not afraid of commitment. Until an individual seeks after this love then they will continue to jeopardize the condition (quality) of their heart. True love can heal the wounds that false love has caused. Lust is not a substitute for real love, and temporary relief is not the same as being healed. When an individual is in the ICU (intensive care unit) all they want is to be healed. When will you allow your heart's condition to be healed? There is a physician called Jesus who can heal your condition and transform your tainted (fractured) heart.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spiritual GPS Tracking Device: superior technology

GPS: Global Positioning System. A worldwide satellite and computer navigational system that can determine the latitude and longitude of a receiver on Earth. High-frequency direction finder. We live in an era where technology has made it easier than ever before to track individuals and their locations. There are still limitations though in regards to this advanced technology. For example, If an individual is being tracked by their cell phone they can either turn off their cell phone or get rid of their cell phone, and this can hinder the tracking process of this individual. How can an individual turn off a tracking device that is installed within them though? Just as the GPS tracking device had a creator (inventor) , we also have a mastermind that was behind our design. The mastermind that is behind our design knows where we are at all times. It is impossible for us to hide because we have a mechanism within us which is our conscience and this links us to our creator (designer) . Are you able to hide from your conscience? Ask yourself this question "where am I spritually located?" Are you in a spiritual state of death or life? Are you located at the intersection of "Lust & Rebellion" Boulevard or are you spiritually located on "Holy & Righteous Living" Avenue? God is the mastermind and he knows where you are spiritually located, but do you know? I used to be spiritually located on "Hell Rd" but now I reside at " Salvation Parkway." I had to take a couple of side streets to get there though called "Repentance Avenue" and "Baptism Drive." Get the concept? I just want to encourage you to examine yourself and ask Jesus to guide you into a spiritual state of life beginning with the new birth process (John3:3-5).

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Assisted Suicide: don't take your life

Suicide: the act or an instance of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally. ruin of one's own interests, i.e. self murder, self destruction. We live in a day and time where homicide is prevalent and the value of life seems to be declining. Some people are dying from viruses/diseases and don't even know it. Ignorance can not prevent death. For example, an individuals immoral sexual behavior can lead to them contracting the Aids virus, and their fear of being tested does not change their reality of dying. Failing to face (confront) the reality of what is warring with you can eventually lead to your death. If an individual has Aids and continues to have sex with multiple partners then his/her illness (condition) can continue to spread to others. If both individuals are aware of the Aids virus and still go through with the sexual act then this can be considered voluntary "assisted suicide" for one of the individuals. When you continue to do things to contribute to your destruction then you become an agent of your own downfall. There are destructive atmosphere's, choices, mindsets, and behaviors that contribute to one's destruction. When you allow seeds of destruction to marinate in your soul then you assist unseen (demonic) forces in your death process. I just want to encourage you to examine yourself as to whether you are in agreement with a spiritual force that is seeking your death or whether you are seeking God who is pure life.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Devices of Destruction: fighting an invisible enemy

Device: A contrivance or an invention serving a particular purpose. A thing devised; plan; scheme, esp. a sly or underhanded scheme; trick. As I was coming up with this topic I was thinking to myself about what is the best way to defeat an enemy that you cannot see. Many people feel helpless when they know that something is destroying them internally, but they have no idea of how to counteract it. Someone may have a virus that is killing them , thoughts that are tormenting them, or even habits that are destroying them. Just because someone is naive or ignorant to the fact that they are being attacked does not change the reality of them being attacked. Thoughts do not just arise from nowhere, diseases do not just appear from nowhere, and emotions do not just arise from anywhere. There is a source to every destructive device just as there is a source to every productive (beneficial) device. The secret to defeating an invisible enemy is having an invisible ally. I have come to the realization that God is the ultimate invisible ally. When you have a force that is warring against you then you need an ally to not only help counteract that force that is warring with you, but to overcome the force. If you never come to the realization that there is an "invisible enemy" warring against your destiny than you will remain defenseless to every attack that is launched against you. I just want to encourage you to seek God who is the ultimate ally against any enemy which seeks your downfall.