GPS: Global Positioning System. A worldwide satellite and computer navigational system that can determine the latitude and longitude of a receiver on Earth. High-frequency direction finder. We live in an era where technology has made it easier than ever before to track individuals and their locations. There are still limitations though in regards to this advanced technology. For example, If an individual is being tracked by their cell phone they can either turn off their cell phone or get rid of their cell phone, and this can hinder the tracking process of this individual. How can an individual turn off a tracking device that is installed within them though? Just as the GPS tracking device had a creator (inventor) , we also have a mastermind that was behind our design. The mastermind that is behind our design knows where we are at all times. It is impossible for us to hide because we have a mechanism within us which is our conscience and this links us to our creator (designer) . Are you able to hide from your conscience? Ask yourself this question "where am I spritually located?" Are you in a spiritual state of death or life? Are you located at the intersection of "Lust & Rebellion" Boulevard or are you spiritually located on "Holy & Righteous Living" Avenue? God is the mastermind and he knows where you are spiritually located, but do you know? I used to be spiritually located on "Hell Rd" but now I reside at " Salvation Parkway." I had to take a couple of side streets to get there though called "Repentance Avenue" and "Baptism Drive." Get the concept? I just want to encourage you to examine yourself and ask Jesus to guide you into a spiritual state of life beginning with the new birth process (John3:3-5).
Be thou encouraged in your writings brother! I liked this piece because truly it draws on the fact that our creator is our ultimate locator. He knows were we are at in our walk at sundry points in our lives. Truly our faces may be marred from the world, but there is one that surely knows where we are at all points in time. Continue to write as the Lord purposes!
Sis Woods
I like this. It's not deep per se, but I like the analogies of it! May you continue to be blessed with many more!
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