Tear: To pull apart or into pieces by force. To make (an opening) by ripping. To separate forcefully. To divide or disrupt. As I came up with this topic I thought about what it would take in order for an individual to consider pain to be normal. There are some individuals that view the opposite sex through a certain
lens, e.g. lens of lust. This does not make their perspective right, but through repetition this has become normal to them. How many times does it take for someones heart to be broken for them to consider this normal? How many tainted encounters with false love does it take before someone considers this to be real love? An aspect of true love is commitment. There are many people trying to operate in true love without "commitment." If someone tried to make lemonade without lemons this would not be considered real lemonade, because an essential ingredient in lemonade is lemons. An essential component of love is commitment. I never experienced a real commitment of pure love until I encountered God's love. This type of love is not afraid of commitment. Until an individual seeks after this love then they will continue to jeopardize the condition (quality) of their heart. True love can heal the wounds that false love has caused. Lust is not a substitute for real love, and temporary relief is not the same as being healed. When an individual is in the ICU (intensive care unit) all they want is to be healed. When will you allow your heart's condition to be healed? There is a physician called Jesus who can heal your condition and transform your tainted (fractured) heart.
Not many words to say but my tears are sufficient. My confirmation is right here, I just wanted to be healed. I am now experiencing the love of God and lost some friends along the way but it is worth it. My heart has been brokin so many times I lost count. It's just God and I together, I am no longer in ICU I am in spiritual therapy to love again. Good one Scott!!
Praise the Lord brother!
Yes, the pain can become quite normal especially if all we have known happens to be a carnal love. Love is as much a commitment as it is an emotion, but for many that are influenced by the world, it is difficult to see beyond that perspective. It takes a regeneration of the mind and and upload of the Spirit of God.
Surely I can say and testify that even upon coming to God, it takes some time of laying upon the brazen altar of the Almighty (THE King of kings) that we can see that though we have his spirit our worldly attachment, even in the way of love, is yet wrapped up in carnality. Oh wretced man that I am saith Paul. Surely there is so much more to love than that which we can wrap our minds around; and as the bible shows, only God can teach us about that perfect love.
Interesting post,
sorry about the long reply, but this is a topic that has forever enthralled me!!!
Continue to write as the Lord purposes in your heart.
Sis. Woods
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