Many times the situations that we are placed in show us our true strengths and weaknesses. When I was younger I used to think that I had enough will-power(self-control) to get out of any situation of temptation. When I began to experience encounters (situations) where I did not have the will power to walk away then that is when I began to question my "self-control." Gloves are not made for our feet, hats are not made for our hands, and our bodies were not created by God for just anybody. When I gave my life to Christ that is when I began to realize to a greater level why I was not able to just walk out of certain situations under my own will power. When I try to do something under my power I realize that I am limited; but when God is involved then I realize that I have the power to overcome anything that may be causing my relationship with God to be fractured.
God's power is able to keep anyone from falling short of his will for their life. Many people are struggling with actions, behaviors, and habits that they despise. Even though they despise them they do not have the power to stop doing them. It is the Spirit of God that makes up the difference. Will you allow him to make the difference? There are thoughts that individuals may not want to think, habits that they stuggle with, places they do not want to go, relationships they do not want to be in, but they lack the power to overcome these things. I came to the realization that when you allow God access then you no longer stay bound to inferior thoughts, desires, and behaviors. I just want to encourage you to allow God to have unrestricted access so that he can renovate the dimensions within your heart and mind which are leading you into a state of spiritual death. It all begins with a choice.
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