Serve: To work for. To be a servant to. Attend to, be employed by, be of assistance, be of use, minister to, wait on, help. When we begin to look at our lifestyle and the areas in which we prioritize the most time, money, and energy; we must eventually ask the critical questions of "why?" Why do some people spend more time with a boyfriend or girlfriend while neglecting their spiritual/natural family. Why do some of us align (surround) ourselves with people who never challenge our morals and/or lifestyle. Why do some people choose never to live for Jesus even though they believe there is a God. If your life was an occupation who would you be serving (working for)? Some employers demand a certain level of performance from their employees. If Satan was your employer would he be proud of your performance (lifestyle) ? If God was your employer would he be proud of your performance?
We all must ask ourselves another critical question which is "what desires are we serving?" Are those desires inspired of God or are they inspired of a source of evil. Everyone in life has the innate ability to make choices. I can not blame Satan or God for the choices that I make, because God has given us the sovereign ability of "choice." God will never force us to serve him. God presents an opportunity for us to serve him and Satan presents an opportunity for us to serve him. Whichever opportunity you desire the most can determine the outcome of your eternal destiny. Who will you serve?
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