Single: Not divided; unbroken. Exclusive, separated, unblended, unshared, or unmixed. As I reflect back on the years when I was in
high school and college I can clearly remember my intentions for seeking after women. It was because of their company. I wasn't content unless I was being entertained by a pleasant face and a pleasant smile that was also accompanied with a pleasant voice. I didn't necessarily need the physical interaction but just being in the presence seemed to be enough for me. Now that there has been a transformation in my life I can look back and compare those past experiences to my current relationship with God. I realize that in order to be effective in relationship you must first understand that you are not incomplete just because you are not in a relationship. Until you come to the realization that you are not incomplete just because you are not married, dating, courting, etc. then you are not mentally prepared to handle the dimensions that come with being married. One must first be content with being in relationship with God before seeking a mate. As long as there is a struggle in your relationship with God then this is a type and shadow (example) of things that are to come when you seek to join to someone who can never add up to the superior characteristics (qualities) of God. If I am struggling to be satisfied by a God that lacks nothing then how can I expect to be satisfied by a human that has weaknesses? If an infinite God can not fill the hollow areas in your life then how can a finite person fill those areas? There must be a mirror that allows us to see an example of what being married truly entails and this mirror is our
relationship with God. Ask yourself "is your mirror blurry or clear?"
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