Wednesday, July 29, 2009

When the body becomes the tool of an infested mind

Infest: to live in or overrun to an unwanted degree or in a troublesome manner. to be parasitic in or on (a host) . Ravage, infiltrate, penetrate, invade, flood, occupy, plague, or inhabit. Think back to a time when you had to use a pair of gloves to clean something so that you could protect your hands from bacteria. Imagine if you didn't wash with soap for a period of time, eventually bacteria would begin to build up on your body. How often do you clean the surface of your mind from parasitic thoughts that attach themselves to the fabric of your mind? How can you clean something that you can not see? When I close the top on a washing machine I can not see the cleaning process but I know that the end result is clean clothes. When your thoughts are expressed (produced) are they clean or are they tainted. Dirty water will produce dirty clothes just as unclean thoughts will produce an unclean lifestyle. Imagine your body as a tool which is responsible for expressing the images of your mind. If your mind was symbolic of the water in the washing machine and your lifestyle was symbolic of the clothes coming out of the washing machine. Would your clothes(lifestyle) be clean?

Do you need to change the method in which the surface of your mind is being cleansed? Thoughts come from inspirations and those inspirations can either be tainted or pure. What cleaning solution are you using to sanitize the surface of your mind? Some stains are harder to remove than other stains. The longer a stain remains (saturates) on a surface can make it more difficult to remove that stain. If we were to examine the surface of our minds can we honestly say that the stains have been removed? E.g. Stains (thoughts) of abuse, stains of heartbreak, stains of loneliness, stains of depression, stains of doubt, stains of lust. I personally can say that there is one cleaning solution which is capable of removing all stains. This solution is the word of God. Until the right solution is applied the stain(s) will remain, and your body will continuing being the tool (puppet) of an infested mind.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Casualties of War: Scars and Wounds of Emotional Warfare

Casualty: One injured, killed, captured, or missing in action through engagement with an enemy. Calamity, misfortune, wounded, blow, catastrophe, or fatality. I want you to picture your mind as a battlefield. Imagine every thought that enters your mind is like a soldier which enters the battlefield. Do you have more enemies than allies on the battlefield of your mind? What weapons are you using to defeat the enemies which have entered the battlefield of your mind? How many tears and how much blood has been spilled out on the soil of this battlefield called "your mind?"

Imagine your heart as the bullet-proof vest which absorbs the bullets of war. How many bullets of confusion, bullets of loneliness, bullets of anger, bullets of suicide, bullets of deceit, and bullets of lust has your heart had to endure? Whether you acknowledge the war or not does not limit the fatalities. How can you remove a bullet of deceit from your heart when you can not see the wound? How can you remove an enemy soldier (thought) from your mind which you can not see? How long does it take the heart to heal from a piercing wound?

Every day and every hour of our lives there is a constant war occurring on the battlefield of our mind. There is no peace treaty which will prevent this war. When you are engaged in a battle with an invisible enemy this calls for an invisible ally. Your eyes may have never seen God but the enemies on the battlefield of your mind fear him. He is able to remove the bullets that have pierced the soil of your heart. He is able to heal the scars that have tarnished the soil of your mind. Many times we allow the (destructive) thoughts of the enemy to enter into our mind, but now is the time when we must allow the (repairing/healing) word of God to enter our mind(s). The more soldiers (thoughts) of victory that you allow into your mind will put you in a position of victory. There is no question (doubt) that we are in a devastating war. The critical question that we should all be asking ourselves is "Are we fighting with the word of God?" A visible weapon can not win an invisible war.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Single but Attached: The Invisible Strings of Connection

Attached: Being joined in close association. Fond and affectionate. To bind, fasten, tie, or connect. Link, secure, become associated with, and committed. When you hear an individual say they are single what comes to mind? When I hear that statement, I picture a person with no connection. Many people are dating but still consider themselves single because there is no commitment. Many people are in intimate relationships but still consider themselves single because there is no commitment. Do your words make you single or do your actions make you single? The answer is both.

A person can abstain from sexual relations for months at a time, but if their heart and mind are still attached to the sensations and/or urges associated with sex, then they are only physically detached but not mentally or emotionally detached from sex. There are multiple ways to remain attached to something: invisible strings called "urges" can link the heart to situations; and invisible strings called "memories" can connect our minds to past events. Can someone be single and still crave the intimacy of the opposite sex? The invisible strings called "cravings" disqualify you from being considered totally single. Your mind is not single from thoughts that have attached themselves to your cerebral membrane (mind), like parasites (leeches) attach to a host. Your heart is not single from the emotions that cause you to seek to fulfill your next urge in a never-ending cycle of lust.

Ask yourself, "Am I totally single or just living a lie?" Invisible strings of connection may cause you to call a particular person just to hear their voice. Invisible strings of connection can cause you to miss being with a particular person. Invisible strings of connection can cause you to desire being intimate with a particular person. I have come to the realization that these invisible strings can hinder our relationship with Jesus if they are not addressed. Do you have any invisible strings of attachment in your life? Who are you seeking to be connected to?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Eyes Saturated with Lust: Unable to Distinguish True beauty

Saturate: To imbue or impregnate thoroughly. To soak, fill, or load to capacity. Bathe, infuse, douse, penetrate, quench, submerge, drown, drench, flood, or immerse. So many times we can look back and remember how we were deceived by what our eyes seen. Natural eyes are capable of seeing what is on the surface but how about beneath the surface? I remember a time when I had 'pink eye' and it just irritated me until the point where I just wanted a cure for it so that it would go away. How many times have we got to the point where we became dissatisfied with "eyes of lust?" We seek to get medicine for pink eye but how do we seek to deal with the issue of eyes that are drenched (dripping) in lust? We live in a culture where it can be easy to become sedated. We must ask ourselves "does a culture control me to the point where they dictate to me what true beauty is by the images that are celebrated?" As I sit here I think to myself "if I was blind how would I determine what true beauty was?" If I could not see than how would I measure what true beauty was? There is surface level beauty which can be subjective, but then true beauty is determined when we begin to look holistically at the true concept of beauty. Lust is to the eyes like a virus is to the body. A virus weakens your immune system just as lust can weaken your paradigm of beauty. Lust can be likened to a fungus(bacteria) which spreads and does not just affect you in one area of your life but it spreads throughout. Lust is not something that can be cured with medicine. As I look at myself I just marvel at how God still loves me despite my imperfections. The cure begins when you allow God to transform your perspective to align with his perspective. He has a perspective (paradigm) of purity. When will you seek him?

Trying to play the role without the commitment: easy/free access

Naivete: the quality or state of being naive. The state or quality of being inexperienced or unsophisticated. Gullibility, childishness, simplicity, unawareness, unconsciousness, and ignorance. I have seen many people that are playing a role but lack the character to commit to that role. A great example of this is the concept of dating. Dating is a way for men or women to "test the waters" without committing to the waters(relationship). You can test drive a car for 10 days in a row, but at the end of the day that car still does not belong to you. There is no documentation proving that the car belongs to you. All you have at the end of the day are memories that you experienced from temporary moments with the vehicle. Ask yourself "are you worth more than a temporary experience?" If the car continues to be test driven then the miles on the car can eventually begin to add up even though no one has even committed to purchasing the vehicle. The value of the car can eventually begin to decline/diminish in value. Are you allowing someone in your life to test drive your emotions, life force, time, and/or finances without any commitment? When there is no commitment it becomes easy to give someone the excuse of being naive in regards to the effect that a particular situation has had on you. Where there is no commitment is there any accountability? When an individual fails to see the value in his/her time, emotions, life force, and/or finances then this can be a state of naivete that the individual is in. Should naivete be a valid excuse for the damage that someone can cause not only to their life but also to someone else's life? I realize that when God was first engaging (drawing) me into his presence that it was ultimately up to me to make the commitment to allow him total access. The door was opened and I just had to use the "key" called commitment to walk through. Will you allow him total access?