Naivete: the quality or state of being naive. The state or quality of being inexperienced or unsophisticated. Gullibility, childishness, simplicity, unawareness, unconsciousness, and ignorance. I have seen many people that are playing a role but lack the character to commit to that role. A great example of this is the concept of dating. Dating is a way for men or women to "test the waters" without
committing to the waters(
relationship). You can test drive a car for 10 days in a row, but at the end of the day that car still does not belong to you. There is no
documentation proving that the car belongs to you. All you have at the end of the day are memories that you experienced from temporary moments with the vehicle. Ask yourself "are you worth more than a temporary experience?" If the car continues to be test driven then the miles on the car can eventually begin to add up even though no one has even
committed to purchasing the vehicle. The value of the car can eventually begin to decline/diminish in value. Are you allowing someone in your life to test drive your emotions, life force, time, and/or finances without any commitment? When there is no commitment it becomes easy to give someone the excuse of being naive in regards to the effect that a particular situation has had on you. Where there is no commitment is there any
accountability? When an individual fails to see the value in his/her time, emotions, life force, and/or finances then this can be a state of naivete that the individual is in. Should naivete be a valid excuse for the damage that someone can cause not only to their life but also to someone
else's life? I realize that when God was first engaging (drawing) me into his presence that it was ultimately up to me to make the commitment to allow him total access. The door was opened and I just had to use the "key" called commitment to walk through. Will you allow him total access?