Casualty: One injured, killed, captured, or missing in action through engagement with an enemy. Calamity, misfortune, wounded, blow, catastrophe, or fatality. I want you to picture your mind as a battlefield. Imagine every thought that enters your mind is like a soldier which enters the battlefield. Do you have more enemies than allies on the battlefield of your mind? What weapons are you using to defeat the enemies which have entered the battlefield of your mind? How many tears and how much blood has been spilled out on the soil of this battlefield called "your mind?"
Imagine your heart as the bullet-proof vest which absorbs the bullets of war. How many bullets of confusion, bullets of loneliness, bullets of anger, bullets of suicide, bullets of deceit, and bullets of lust has your heart had to endure? Whether you acknowledge the war or not does not limit the fatalities. How can you remove a bullet of deceit from your heart when you can not see the wound? How can you remove an enemy soldier (thought) from your mind which you can not see? How long does it take the heart to heal from a piercing wound?
Every day and every hour of our lives there is a constant war occurring on the battlefield of our mind. There is no peace treaty which will prevent this war. When you are engaged in a battle with an invisible enemy this calls for an invisible ally. Your eyes may have never seen God but the enemies on the battlefield of your mind fear him. He is able to remove the bullets that have pierced the soil of your heart. He is able to heal the scars that have tarnished the soil of your mind. Many times we allow the (destructive) thoughts of the enemy to enter into our mind, but now is the time when we must allow the (repairing/healing) word of God to enter our mind(s). The more soldiers (thoughts) of victory that you allow into your mind will put you in a position of victory. There is no question (doubt) that we are in a devastating war. The critical question that we should all be asking ourselves is "Are we fighting with the word of God?" A visible weapon can not win an invisible war.
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