Saturate: To imbue or impregnate thoroughly. To soak, fill, or load to capacity. Bathe, infuse, douse, penetrate, quench, submerge, drown, drench, flood, or immerse. So many times we can look back and remember how we were deceived by what our eyes seen. Natural eyes are capable of seeing what is on the surface but how about beneath the surface? I remember a time when I had 'pink eye' and it just irritated me until the point where I just wanted a cure for it so that it would go away. How many times have we got to the point where we became dissatisfied with "eyes of lust?" We seek to get medicine for pink eye but how do we seek to deal with the issue of eyes that are drenched (dripping) in lust? We live in a culture where it can be easy to become sedated. We must ask ourselves "does a culture control me to the point where they dictate to me what true beauty is by the images that are celebrated?" As I sit here I think to myself "if I was blind how would I determine what true beauty was?" If I could not see than how would I measure what true beauty was? There is surface level beauty which can be subjective, but then true beauty is determined when we begin to look holistically at the true concept of beauty. Lust is to the eyes like a virus is to the body. A virus weakens your immune system just as lust can weaken your paradigm of beauty. Lust can be likened to a fungus(bacteria) which spreads and does not just affect you in one area of your life but it spreads throughout. Lust is not something that can be cured with medicine. As I look at myself I just marvel at how God still loves me despite my imperfections. The cure begins when you allow God to transform your perspective to align with his perspective. He has a perspective (paradigm) of purity. When will you seek him?
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