Wednesday, September 30, 2009

America's Spiritual Recession: The Stimulus Package of Jesus The Christ

Stimulus: something that arouses or incites to activity. Boost, catalyst, impulse, cause, charge, incentive, motivation, incitement, inducement, propellant, or instigation. If your life was a portrait of the U.S. economy, what would you do to stimulate (boost) productivity? Would it take just an extra paycheck? Many stimulus checks have already been sent out to millions of Americans months ago, and there are still many issues that persist (continue) . The stimulus package was meant to boost the American economy, but it is insufficient in regards to dealing with declining morals within our society. What type of stimulus package would it take to cause a woman to value her body instead of allowing multiple men to degrade her worth. What type of stimulus package would it take to cause men to value their children instead of neglecting their seed. What type of stimulus package would it take to cause men to value women as they would want their daughter, mother, or sister to be valued (treated).

There is a way which seems right to men, but that way leads to destruction (i.e. destruction of character, purpose, and potential) . In April of 2003 I was immersed (baptized) into covenant with Jesus The Christ and the recession of my morals, lifestyle, and character became transformed. I made a rational choice to allow Jesus The Christ access into the economy of my soul (mind, heart, will) . What is the condition of your soul (thought life)? Is it in need of a stimulus experience? The spirit of God is able to superimpose (overshadow) himself upon your life and infuse stability into whatever condition is causing the recession of your peace, morals, character, or self-worth. Will you make the choice to allow yourself to be stimulated by Jesus The Christ.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Caught Between Satan's Will and God's Will: Who Will You Serve?

Serve: To work for. To be a servant to. Attend to, be employed by, be of assistance, be of use, minister to, wait on, help. When we begin to look at our lifestyle and the areas in which we prioritize the most time, money, and energy; we must eventually ask the critical questions of "why?" Why do some people spend more time with a boyfriend or girlfriend while neglecting their spiritual/natural family. Why do some of us align (surround) ourselves with people who never challenge our morals and/or lifestyle. Why do some people choose never to live for Jesus even though they believe there is a God. If your life was an occupation who would you be serving (working for)? Some employers demand a certain level of performance from their employees. If Satan was your employer would he be proud of your performance (lifestyle) ? If God was your employer would he be proud of your performance?

We all must ask ourselves another critical question which is "what desires are we serving?" Are those desires inspired of God or are they inspired of a source of evil. Everyone in life has the innate ability to make choices. I can not blame Satan or God for the choices that I make, because God has given us the sovereign ability of "choice." God will never force us to serve him. God presents an opportunity for us to serve him and Satan presents an opportunity for us to serve him. Whichever opportunity you desire the most can determine the outcome of your eternal destiny. Who will you serve?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Making the Wrong Decision in the Right Season: Tarnished Destiny

Season: A suitable, natural, or convenient time. A period of time. Interval, opportunity, period, term, time, or occasion. Have you ever made the wrong decision in an opportune time? Many times it can take years to recover from the wrong decision (choice). A credit decision, relationship decision, school decision, ministry decision, or family decision. How can one begin to measure what is lost through just making one wrong decision. If someone has a family and makes a decision not to work then this can affect the family as a whole. Making the wrong decision in the right season not only affects you but also has an indirect affect on those that could have benefited from you making the right decision in the right season.
We must realize that there are innocent bystanders who suffer the consequences of our bad decisions. When we begin to realize that there is an accountability factor which reaches far beyond us, is when we can truly begin to under decision-making from a completely different perspective. What if someone steps away from starting a business because of inconvenience. What if someone steps away from the right career because of their pride. What if someone chooses the wrong spouse because of an insecurity. Not starting a business can lead to a lack of finances in the future. Stepping away from the right career can lead to limited opportunities in the future. Choosing the wrong spouse can alter not only your life but also the lives and destiny of those who should have been the first choice. Will you allow God's perspective to guide you, or are you willing to compromise not only your destiny but also the destiny of others?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Hating your actions but having no power to stop: TRAPPED

Many times the situations that we are placed in show us our true strengths and weaknesses. When I was younger I used to think that I had enough will-power(self-control) to get out of any situation of temptation. When I began to experience encounters (situations) where I did not have the will power to walk away then that is when I began to question my "self-control." Gloves are not made for our feet, hats are not made for our hands, and our bodies were not created by God for just anybody. When I gave my life to Christ that is when I began to realize to a greater level why I was not able to just walk out of certain situations under my own will power. When I try to do something under my power I realize that I am limited; but when God is involved then I realize that I have the power to overcome anything that may be causing my relationship with God to be fractured.

God's power is able to keep anyone from falling short of his will for their life. Many people are struggling with actions, behaviors, and habits that they despise. Even though they despise them they do not have the power to stop doing them. It is the Spirit of God that makes up the difference. Will you allow him to make the difference? There are thoughts that individuals may not want to think, habits that they stuggle with, places they do not want to go, relationships they do not want to be in, but they lack the power to overcome these things. I came to the realization that when you allow God access then you no longer stay bound to inferior thoughts, desires, and behaviors. I just want to encourage you to allow God to have unrestricted access so that he can renovate the dimensions within your heart and mind which are leading you into a state of spiritual death. It all begins with a choice.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Absent Father, Absent Image: Desperate for an Identity

Absent: Not present; missing. Not existent; lacking. Astray, devoid, gone, no-show, removed, blank, unavailable, vacant. There came a point in my life when I asked myself "how would things have been different if I had a father?" Would I have played sports? How can someone measure something that they never had before. How can the absence of a father be measured if you never experienced the presence of a father in your life. Was the image of my mother enough to replace the vacancy left by an absent father. Was the image of my mother sufficient enough to shape my identity as I grew into a man. As I sit here and ponder these words, I can see how all along my life was being shaped by the invisible hand of God.

When I gave my life to Jesus is when I found myself in a position to understand that my identity was not absent because of an absent father. If I was created in the image of God then the essence of who I am is wrapped up in the character of God. If God created us then he knows why he created us and for what purpose he created us. What is your identity wrapped up in? Is it wrapped up in your career, your relationships, your family, your position(s), or your past? Only the one who created you can guide you into the fruition of your full potential. Every inventor has a specific purpose for their invention. I did not event myself so how can I know the purpose for myself? I must first seek the one who invented me. Who are you seeking ?