Repent: To turn away from. To retreat from (i.e. 180 degree turn). Feel remorse or see error of ways. To think differently. To reconsider.
If you were once imprisoned and then set free, what would cause you to return to that prison? Sin is an example of a prison which keeps us captive(caged). Every bar on that prison door is like an issue which keeps us in bondage. How many bars(i.e. bars of unforgiveness, bars of anger, bars of loneliness, bars of insecurity) are surrounding your heart and mind? A heart and mind that is confined can only go so far. I remember a time in my life when I was imprisoned by the temptations of my mind and I lacked the power to escape this prison. It was as if this prison was my home. I felt comfortable in this place of inferiority even though I lacked true freedom. I lacked the power to say no to the temptations that kept calling me. I eventually came to realize that the family members and friends that surrounded me were like inmates with me in this prison of sin.
Sin is missing the mark of God for your life. When I was 22 years old I made a decision that I wanted to leave this prison. This place of inferiority was not my home. I now realize that repentance and confession are two keys which have helped to keep me free from this prison of sin. Jesus died so that I wouldn't have to serve my full sentence. I was facing an eternal life sentence in this prison of sin, but his blood loosened the lock on my prison door. Repentance and confession continue to escort me through my walk with Christ. Are you ready to acknowledge your prison of sin, and turn 180 degrees away from your old ways to step into a new path? This path has been stained with the blood of Jesus and you can only walk on it by faith.
If you were once imprisoned and then set free, what would cause you to return to that prison? Sin is an example of a prison which keeps us captive(caged). Every bar on that prison door is like an issue which keeps us in bondage. How many bars(i.e. bars of unforgiveness, bars of anger, bars of loneliness, bars of insecurity) are surrounding your heart and mind? A heart and mind that is confined can only go so far. I remember a time in my life when I was imprisoned by the temptations of my mind and I lacked the power to escape this prison. It was as if this prison was my home. I felt comfortable in this place of inferiority even though I lacked true freedom. I lacked the power to say no to the temptations that kept calling me. I eventually came to realize that the family members and friends that surrounded me were like inmates with me in this prison of sin.
Sin is missing the mark of God for your life. When I was 22 years old I made a decision that I wanted to leave this prison. This place of inferiority was not my home. I now realize that repentance and confession are two keys which have helped to keep me free from this prison of sin. Jesus died so that I wouldn't have to serve my full sentence. I was facing an eternal life sentence in this prison of sin, but his blood loosened the lock on my prison door. Repentance and confession continue to escort me through my walk with Christ. Are you ready to acknowledge your prison of sin, and turn 180 degrees away from your old ways to step into a new path? This path has been stained with the blood of Jesus and you can only walk on it by faith.
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