Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Baptized into an Empty(hollow) Identity: The Reality of THE NAME - - special edition

Identity: The distinguishing character or personality of an individual. Distinctiveness, name, oneness, singleness, or ipseity.

As we search throughout the scriptures we will see that there are many titles for Christ such as; The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost. There is only one name though, which embodies(expresses) all of these titles (labels, banners). This name is Jesus. Can an individual be baptized into the name of "The Prince of Peace," "The mighty God," or "The everlasting Father?" why? What differentiates one title of God from another title of God? All of these titles reflect(cast) one name(reality). We must understand the importance of distinguishing between a title and a name. Being baptized into the literal name of Jesus versus just a title(i.e. Father,Son) concludes(results in) two different meanings/outcomes, just like 2 + 2 = 4 and 1 + 4 = 5

There are many Father's, son's, cousins, and brothers’s in the world, but when you apply a name to these titles you then invoke/superimpose the identity/power of that name onto/into these titles. The characteristics, authority, and mark of the name are invoked when you baptize in the name(identity) of Jesus versus just a title/position of Jesus. The titles/positions of God can be likened to shadows which reflect the reality of Christ. Have you been baptized into a reflection(shadow) of God or into the reality of God. Jesus is real.

Colossians 3:17 states "And whatsoever ye do in word (something said) or in deed (i.e. baptism), do all in the name (authority, character) of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him." There is a more perfect way; which is baptism in the name(reality) of Jesus instead of the reflections (titles,shadows) of Jesus. Apollos was exposed to this more perfect way in the book of Acts (18:25-26, 19:1-6).

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