Wednesday, November 25, 2009

HIP HOP WORSHIPPER: Which god are you Waving your Hands to?

Worship: extreme devotion or intense love or admiration of any kind. Exaltation, praise, celebrate, magnify, or sing. What spirit(s) are you inviting into your atmosphere as you wave your hands in worship to lyrics of lust and violence. Whether the influence is coming through the lyrics or through the beat there is still an influence moving through your atmosphere, just as thoughts ride through your mind and birds fly through the air. In the Old Testament a wave offering was usually done unto the Lord. When someone symbolically waves their hands to an inspiration besides The Lord then which lord are they waving to? Who are they offering(sacrificing) their soul (heart, mind, and will) to?

If the substance(inspiration) of a beat/lyric is from the substance of a tainted heart and tainted mind than can God be glorified in a tainted atmosphere. Whether someone enters into an act of worship with their lips(singing) or with their hands (waving) it is still a form of worship. If tainted water is mixed with pure water then do you still have pure water. Who are you worshipping as you sing, when you dance, and when you wave your hands? I used to listen to Hip Hop and wave my hands to lyrics which did not glorify God but there has been a transformation and now the Lord that I worship is different from the lord that I used to worship. Who are you worshipping and why??

Monday, November 16, 2009

Portrait of a Divine Beauty: Rendezvous in the Garden

Rendevous: A meeting at a prearranged time and place. a place appointed for assembling or meeting. Affair, appointment, engagement, gathering point, purlieu, or blind date. As I was sitting at work last week I began to think of the different ways in which God can speak. I realize that he can speak through words, situations(experiences), and symbols. As I sat there at my desk I also began to think about what must have been going through Adam's mind once God brought Eve unto him. Adam was in the midst of an "Eden Experience," and all he had to do was "open his eyes" and receive what God had placed before him. How was God speaking to Adam through Eve as He placed this divine portrait of beauty into his presence.

God did not speak with words in this scenario but rather with imagery. God placed the perfect portrait of divine beauty into Adam's atmosphere and he admired both the external(physical) and internal(spiritual) qualities of the portrait. Only God knows how many strokes it takes to paint the perfect portrait. I believe that no matter how beautiful the Garden of Eden was, it could not be compared to the portrait of divine beauty which was placed within Adam's atmosphere at that moment in time. Adam's focus was on what God had placed before him and nothing else. Adam's perspective was focused on what God had for him at the appointed time in the appointed place. Could it be possible that God has painted millions of portraits of divine beauties, but men have been blinded to true and divine beauty and have therefore missed out on what God has had for them?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

When the Will of Satan is Superimposed by the Will of God

Superimpose: To lay or place (something) on or over something else. Place over, position, overlay, lay over, apply to, cover. As I was cleaning at my church this past tuesday this topic came to me, and moments later I felt an energy of rejoicing come upon me. This energetic force seemed to overshadow me. Have you ever been in a situation in your life when it just seemed as if your circumstance(issue) overshadowed your peace of mind. There was a time in my life when I co-signed for my cousin to get a television, living room set, and bedroom set from value city. The total came to over $5000. He failed to make the payments to me for the items, and the stress of the situation superimposed itself upon me, unto the point where I acted out of character. I found myself in the back of a police car. The grace and mercy of God superimposed the situation and eventually the issue was resolved. This was a situation where the will of Satan was superimposed by the will of God.

There are times when Satan will seek to gain influence in your life. Just as rain drops fall upon the ground, he seeks to saturate the soil of our heart and mind with thoughts of error. I heard a quote from a gentleman a little over 3 months ago. He stated that "tests can either refine you or define you." Are you allowing the will of Satan to define who you are? The choices we make can be likened to tools(instruments) which have the capability of shaping who and what we will become. We all have the volitional ability to choose. Will you allow(choose) the will of God to be the tool which shapes(molds,carves) you into who and what you will become?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dying Before Your Eyes: No Passion to Intercede

Dying: Ceasing to live; approaching death. Failing, expiring, decaying, declining, fading, perishing, vanishing, withering, or sinking. Have you ever been at a point in your life where you knew what the outcome of something was going to be and you were satisfied; Kind of like your child playing a sport and the clock winding down as their team was winning the game. There have been times in my life though when I knew what the outcome of something was going to be, and I wanted it to be different. I know that when I work, the outcome should be me receving a pay check at the end of the pay period. When someone has their heart broken, the outcome is usually emotional pain which can at times lead to result in various outcomes. When we look at the outcome of sin (missing the mark of God for your life) the outcome(payoff, result) is death.

I have family members, friends, and co-workers who are in a state of death(sin). When you look at those around you who are in this state, do you have the passion to intercede for them with your prayers, action, time, energy, or resources? Are you content with their outcome being physical and eternal death. How many family members, friends, and co-workers do you know who are not in alignment (agreement) with God's will for their life. To not have the passion to intercede for someone is to not have the passion to want to see someone else live. As I sit here and think of the love of Christ, I can only think of how he desires that no one perish. What do you desire?