Dying: Ceasing to live; approaching death. Failing, expiring, decaying, declining, fading, perishing, vanishing, withering, or sinking. Have you ever been at a point in your life where you knew what the outcome of something was going to be and you were satisfied; Kind of like your child playing a sport and the clock winding down as their team was winning the game. There have been times in my life though when I knew what the outcome of something was going to be, and I wanted it to be different. I know that when I work, the outcome should be me receving a pay check at the end of the pay period. When someone has their heart broken, the outcome is usually emotional pain which can at times lead to result in various outcomes. When we look at the outcome of sin (missing the mark of God for your life) the outcome(payoff, result) is death.
I have family members, friends, and co-workers who are in a state of death(sin). When you look at those around you who are in this state, do you have the passion to intercede for them with your prayers, action, time, energy, or resources? Are you content with their outcome being physical and eternal death. How many family members, friends, and co-workers do you know who are not in alignment (agreement) with God's will for their life. To not have the passion to intercede for someone is to not have the passion to want to see someone else live. As I sit here and think of the love of Christ, I can only think of how he desires that no one perish. What do you desire?