Monday, November 16, 2009

Portrait of a Divine Beauty: Rendezvous in the Garden

Rendevous: A meeting at a prearranged time and place. a place appointed for assembling or meeting. Affair, appointment, engagement, gathering point, purlieu, or blind date. As I was sitting at work last week I began to think of the different ways in which God can speak. I realize that he can speak through words, situations(experiences), and symbols. As I sat there at my desk I also began to think about what must have been going through Adam's mind once God brought Eve unto him. Adam was in the midst of an "Eden Experience," and all he had to do was "open his eyes" and receive what God had placed before him. How was God speaking to Adam through Eve as He placed this divine portrait of beauty into his presence.

God did not speak with words in this scenario but rather with imagery. God placed the perfect portrait of divine beauty into Adam's atmosphere and he admired both the external(physical) and internal(spiritual) qualities of the portrait. Only God knows how many strokes it takes to paint the perfect portrait. I believe that no matter how beautiful the Garden of Eden was, it could not be compared to the portrait of divine beauty which was placed within Adam's atmosphere at that moment in time. Adam's focus was on what God had placed before him and nothing else. Adam's perspective was focused on what God had for him at the appointed time in the appointed place. Could it be possible that God has painted millions of portraits of divine beauties, but men have been blinded to true and divine beauty and have therefore missed out on what God has had for them?

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