Worship: extreme devotion or intense love or admiration of any kind. Exaltation, praise, celebrate, magnify, or sing. What spirit(s) are you inviting into your atmosphere as you wave your hands in worship to lyrics of lust and violence. Whether the influence is coming through the lyrics or through the beat there is still an influence moving through your atmosphere, just as thoughts ride through your mind and birds fly through the air. In the Old Testament a wave offering was usually done unto the Lord. When someone symbolically waves their hands to an inspiration besides The Lord then which lord are they waving to? Who are they offering(sacrificing) their soul (heart, mind, and will) to?
If the substance(inspiration) of a beat/lyric is from the substance of a tainted heart and tainted mind than can God be glorified in a tainted atmosphere. Whether someone enters into an act of worship with their lips(singing) or with their hands (waving) it is still a form of worship. If tainted water is mixed with pure water then do you still have pure water. Who are you worshipping as you sing, when you dance, and when you wave your hands? I used to listen to Hip Hop and wave my hands to lyrics which did not glorify God but there has been a transformation and now the Lord that I worship is different from the lord that I used to worship. Who are you worshipping and why??
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