Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Creation of God vs Being A Child of God

In the book of Genesis , Chapter 1:27 states that God created both male and female. This scripture shows that we are a creation of God. There is a difference though between being a creation of God versus being a child of God. The word child can also mean a type of son(Greek,huios) which can be likened to the type of son in which Christ Jesus was. The word son is "positional" and not "gender" specific. Romans 8:14 states "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons(Greek,huios) of God." Galatians 3:26 then goes on to state that "we are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus." If we are to call ourselves a child of God then we must ask ourselves if our lifestyle is personifying faith in Christ Jesus.

There are prerequisites to being called/considered a child of God. The mere fact of being created is not the only prerequisite(qualification) to being a genuine(non-counterfeit) child of God. This distinction has to be made because the spirit of confusion and error can cause one that is naive/ignorant(unlearned) to enter into eternal damnation (i.e. hell). True love will always guide you into truth. We must continue to examine ourselves and whether we are being led (guided,directed) by the Spirit of God or the spirit of error. Are you seeking to be more than just a creation?

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