Wednesday, December 2, 2009

When Your Pain Saturates Your Peace: The Mission of Your Affliction

Affliction: A condition of pain, suffering, or distress. Adversity, anguish, calamity, depression, distress, grief, hardship, illness, suffering, or tribulation. Have you ever looked through the eyes of someone and it seemed as if pain overshadowed their atmosphere. Before you could reach(connect with) them you first had to deal with the pain which was saturating their peace. Just as water from the ocean saturates the sand on the shore is how pain seeks to saturate our peace. Less than a month ago I spoke to woman who was fighting with cancer in her body and she said that she refused to go through chemotherapy because two of her family members had previously died from the treatment. She had been living with cancer for three years. As she sat there in front of me I repeated to her what I heard my pastor say. I said "as long as the death does not get into the cancer the cancer can't hurt you."

Tears began to flow from her eyes. She said that she had never heard that perspective before. I have come to realize that there are purposes for our pain. The pain that Jesus experienced on the cross had a purpose. With his stripes (bruises, wounds) we are healed. We must ask ourselves "has our pain(suffering) accomplished the mission for which it was intended." The pain which was sown(planted) at Calvary is the reason we now have access to a harvest of peace and healing. The pain that we go through can be the seed which births a harvest of peace and healing in our atmosphere, which can ultimately benefit those around us.


cassandra ATL said...

Great insight Brother Scott. I am goig through something right now and I realize it is necessary for me to endure. In the end I will understand why but right now I have to lean on God to help me through my pain. I will be at peace and stronger than I was before. He is using me to be a testimony for someone else or even and example for myself. Great post!

Unknown said...

praise him brother scott you just do not know how much you blessed my spirit I thank God for that word and I thank you for your obedience to God to deliver that message may God continue to bless you thanks again.
Sister Tina Lacy

Sheilah Cherry said...

Praise the Lord Bro. Scott,

This post is well said and have truly encouraged me as I am currently going through many battles. My personal battles are merely the weapon used to try to wear me down and break my spirit. But what the devil failed to realised God already proved himself worthy of these light afflictions. I have been the one to encourage others but have found myself walking alone, so I thought. Within the past four years God has opened my understanding and allowed me to see that I made it through some things others would have crumbled from because he was with me every step of the way. The more you overcome the more obstacle are laid before you. My testimony is: No weapon formed against me shall prosper.