Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Playtime is Over: When Boys Become Men

When boys refuse to become men, they hurt(hinder) the people and communities which they are connected to. Men allow God to lead them and boys allow their fantasies to lead them. Boys are led by sight and men are led by faith. Boys detach from responsibility and men attach to responsibility. Boys detach from commitment and men embrace commitment. Boys serve their desires and men serve God. Boys chase girls and men chase God. I have come to the realization that there comes a turning point in every boy's life when he can choose whether to arise or not to arise. The nature of a boy should be to grow into a man.

When a boy fails to grow into a man, then retardation(i.e. spiritual retardation) has entered into the growth process. Retardation is just the delay in the normal growth process of something due to external factors. How many boys are in a state of spiritual retardation? There is an epidemic number of boys being delayed in their growth process because of external factors. I am convinced though that "choice" is one of the main factors as to whether someone will remain in the condition of a boy versus a man. Playtime is over and it is time for the boys to become men so that women are not forced to play his role.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Repentance & Confession: The Keys to Your Release

Repent: To turn away from. To retreat from (i.e. 180 degree turn). Feel remorse or see error of ways. To think differently. To reconsider.

If you were once imprisoned and then set free, what would cause you to return to that prison? Sin is an example of a prison which keeps us captive(caged). Every bar on that prison door is like an issue which keeps us in bondage. How many bars(i.e. bars of unforgiveness, bars of anger, bars of loneliness, bars of insecurity) are surrounding your heart and mind? A heart and mind that is confined can only go so far. I remember a time in my life when I was imprisoned by the temptations of my mind and I lacked the power to escape this prison. It was as if this prison was my home. I felt comfortable in this place of inferiority even though I lacked true freedom. I lacked the power to say no to the temptations that kept calling me. I eventually came to realize that the family members and friends that surrounded me were like inmates with me in this prison of sin.

Sin is missing the mark of God for your life. When I was 22 years old I made a decision that I wanted to leave this prison. This place of inferiority was not my home. I now realize that repentance and confession are two keys which have helped to keep me free from this prison of sin. Jesus died so that I wouldn't have to serve my full sentence. I was facing an eternal life sentence in this prison of sin, but his blood loosened the lock on my prison door. Repentance and confession continue to escort me through my walk with Christ. Are you ready to acknowledge your prison of sin, and turn 180 degrees away from your old ways to step into a new path? This path has been stained with the blood of Jesus and you can only walk on it by faith.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

MODEST APPAREL: What Signals are you Transmitting and Why?

Transmit: To send out a signal. Broadcast, convey, relay, traject, or communicate.

There are certain neighborhoods in this country that if I walked into wearing certain colors it could be taken the wrong way. Whether I knew or not does not change the negative attention that could possibly come my way. Our external indicators(i.e. clothing) can attract certain attention to our atmosphere. Being naive/ignorant of our indicators(apparel) does not negate the possible consequences. Various animals also use different signals(i.e.mating calls) to attract certain attention into their atmosphere. Children of God should be aware(cognizant) of the consequences that can come from transmitting the wrong signals through their external apparel. The Bible speaks clearly about "modest apparel." When we as children of God do not align with scripture there is always consequences. Just as a woman can send forth the wrong signal(message) through her apparel(i.e. earrings, shoes, clothing); a man can also do the same.

Before we leave the house we should ask ourselves "what message(signal) are we transmitting(sending forth) and why?" Lack of attention? If we as children of God are representing the Kingdom of God, then the message that we are transmitting, both internally(spiritually) and externally(physically) can be received as either positive or negative. Signals draw(attract) attention. We must be aware of what areas(curvatures) of our body we are attracting(inviting) attention to with our apparel. When our external(physical) apparel contradicts with our internal(spiritual) apparel then we are sending two different(mixed) signals which causes confusion. We do not serve a God of confusion. We as children of God have to be wise in how we choose to dress ourselves so that we are not transmitting confusion and also inviting certain inspirations into our atmosphere. What is the inspiration behind your apparel?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Baptized into an Empty(hollow) Identity: The Reality of THE NAME - - special edition

Identity: The distinguishing character or personality of an individual. Distinctiveness, name, oneness, singleness, or ipseity.

As we search throughout the scriptures we will see that there are many titles for Christ such as; The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost. There is only one name though, which embodies(expresses) all of these titles (labels, banners). This name is Jesus. Can an individual be baptized into the name of "The Prince of Peace," "The mighty God," or "The everlasting Father?" why? What differentiates one title of God from another title of God? All of these titles reflect(cast) one name(reality). We must understand the importance of distinguishing between a title and a name. Being baptized into the literal name of Jesus versus just a title(i.e. Father,Son) concludes(results in) two different meanings/outcomes, just like 2 + 2 = 4 and 1 + 4 = 5

There are many Father's, son's, cousins, and brothers’s in the world, but when you apply a name to these titles you then invoke/superimpose the identity/power of that name onto/into these titles. The characteristics, authority, and mark of the name are invoked when you baptize in the name(identity) of Jesus versus just a title/position of Jesus. The titles/positions of God can be likened to shadows which reflect the reality of Christ. Have you been baptized into a reflection(shadow) of God or into the reality of God. Jesus is real.

Colossians 3:17 states "And whatsoever ye do in word (something said) or in deed (i.e. baptism), do all in the name (authority, character) of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him." There is a more perfect way; which is baptism in the name(reality) of Jesus instead of the reflections (titles,shadows) of Jesus. Apollos was exposed to this more perfect way in the book of Acts (18:25-26, 19:1-6).