When boys refuse to become men, they hurt(hinder) the people and communities which they are connected to. Men allow God to lead them and boys allow their fantasies to lead them. Boys are led by sight and men are led by faith. Boys detach from responsibility and men attach to responsibility. Boys detach from commitment and men embrace commitment. Boys serve their desires and men serve God. Boys chase girls and men chase God. I have come to the realization that there comes a turning point in every boy's life when he can choose whether to arise or not to arise. The nature of a boy should be to grow into a man.
When a boy fails to grow into a man, then retardation(i.e. spiritual retardation) has entered into the growth process. Retardation is just the delay in the normal growth process of something due to external factors. How many boys are in a state of spiritual retardation? There is an epidemic number of boys being delayed in their growth process because of external factors. I am convinced though that "choice" is one of the main factors as to whether someone will remain in the condition of a boy versus a man. Playtime is over and it is time for the boys to become men so that women are not forced to play his role.