Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Abundant Lust: but still hollow inside

Hollow: To be void of truth and substance (empty, echoing). In this year of 2008 there are many people that are struggling with addictions, fetishes, and bad habits. Before I gave my life to Christ I had a bad habit of going to the night clubs and also dating. As I look back I see that I wasted time and money because nothing meaningful came out of those 2 things. I received no true peace, joy, or fulfillment. After all of the music and women I was still hollow inside. Dating and going to nightclubs gave me temporary happiness, but when the music stopped and the date was over I was still hollow inside. There are people that have been in numerous relationships but are still hollow inside. There are women and men that have had multiple sex partners but are still seeking their next partner to fill their emptiness inside. Some people have multiple cars and an abundance of money but still struggle with thoughts of how they were abused, molested, mistreated, and neglected in their youth. The internet has made it possible for people to meet numerous people online, but people are still struggling with loneliness. People have easy access to x-rated content but they still are not fulfilled in their unbridled passions. People lust for money, friends, relationships, status and have an abundance of access to all types of lustful activities. The truth is; there is an emptiness that only God can fill. Jesus will not live with what He died for which was sin. So in life there is a "Jesus Factor", and until the pre-condition of salvation is obtained through Him there will always been an emptiness inside.


Birth Roeh said...

I praise God for his glory and that which is to come!! With and through Christ all things are possible and if would just return unto him the hollowness and emptiness will cease for within Christ there is POWER :) Luke 15


Anonymous said...

James 4:4 says "You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God." Remove the world and live life hidden in Christ and the emptiness will flee.

Anonymous said...

Good point brother Scott.

Joy said...

Dec. I hear you I taught bbile class on Tuesday and the Lord gave me to teach, What You Really Need. If we give it to God he's going to heal and fill; all we have to do is totally submit to Him. One doesn't fill empty when they are chasing after the Lord and seeking Him because all you want is MORE & MORE of Jesus. Whatever we NEED he can do it... Is. 41:17 & Phil. 4:19

Min. Joy