Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New Creation, Old Standards

2 Corinthians 5:17 states "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new". New - Not habituated; not familiar; unaccustomed. Fresh from anything; newly come. Newly; recently. When one becomes a new creation there should also be a new paradigm shift even in regards to our preferences. I have been asked on numerous ocassions what I look for in a mate. I always think back to what I looked for in a mate before I became a new creation and I make a comparison to my present mindset (post-salvation), because there should be a difference in my preferences. Our lifestyle preferences should never supercede our spiritual well-being. I have asked the question before " what is the difference between what I am attracted to now compared to before I became a new creation?". If there is not a distinctive difference then there is still something that is hindering one from becoming holistically a "new creation". Another word for "new" is freshness. Can someone have fresh preferences with the "old" foundation of a previous mindset? What I was previously attracted to in regards to music, career(s), life, television shows, clothing, friends should not be the same as what I am attracted to (prefer) as a new creation. If there is an inconsistency it is not because of the process of salvation but rather the will power (choices) of the individual to be completely transformed versus partially transformed. I just want to encourage you today to believe at a greater level so that you can be transformed from your old mindset/preferences through your faith in Christ Jesus.


Anonymous said...


You are right on point with this blog. Becoming in a new creation in christ sgould change our perspective about everything. Applying this truth to relationships is often dismissed. I think that people fail to realize that the love of God changes the way we "love" people. The true love of God changes everything about us. Our desires change to line up with the desires the God has for us. When it comes to a mate. God knows far better than we do who our mate should be. HE is match maker extraordinaire. And the great thing is, anyone who has followed God's plan has not been disappointed.
---Great post!

Anonymous said...

That was very thought provoking as well as true. Thank God for grace and mercy for those do not yield over totally. There is still time. It is good to know that there are still young men on fire for Christ and is willing to stand on the will of God at all cost..... nice blog. God bless and I hope that you achieve a wealth of success in encouraging young people, with this ministorial tool.