Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Clear voice speaking to a blurry mind

Blurry - To smear or stain; smudge. Something that is hazy and indistinct to the sight or mind. There are times when we encounter situations where we need the clearest perspective that we can possibly get in order to get the best results. There have been times when I was driving and the weather conditions were messy. I found myself with no windshield wiper fluid, which meant that my vision became impaired in that situation. When God speaks clearly to us about our situation(s) , are His words hindered because of the messy weather condition in our mind? Just as driving a vehicle in messy weather conditions without anything to clean the windshield can lead to an accident, is the same reason we must seek to clear our minds of mess. The word(s) of God can be like the fluid which clears our mind in blurry situations; just as the windshield wiper fluid clears the windshield. A dirty toothbrush should not be used to clean our teeth, and impure thoughts (words) are not going to clear a blurry mind. Until we use a clean substance to cleanse the messy situation of our mind than the scenery will remain blurry. The Bible is God's inspired (pure) word, so what is the inspiration behind the substance that is keeping your mind blurry? A pure/undefiled substance is what clears a blurry mind. A dirty/defiled substance is what keeps the mind blurry (stained, muddy, hazy, murky). God is also able to speak through situations/circumstances. I just want to encourage you today to let the pure substance of God's word clear your mind so that you can hear His clear voice when He speaks to you through your mind and/or situation.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Emptiness of Loneliness: positioned for the outpouring

Loneliness: a feeling where people experience a powerful surge of emptiness and solitude. Dejected by the awareness of being alone. Without companions. There are times in our lives when we reach certain points of realization. My mother raising me by herself was normal to me because I was used to a single-parent household. There have been times in my adulthood that I have reflected back and wondered how having two parents would have changed the dynamic of my childhood. I was in a position in my childhood to feel lonely but refused to focus on the predicament at the time. There may be times when we have positioned ourselves to be victimized by the inspiration of loneliness, but making the choice of what to consume our thoughts with can be the ultimate turning point. There are things that you can consume your mind with and eventually get tired of. There are also things that can lead your mind to wanting to know more and a certain curiosity can begin to develop. If I was to use God as an example; I would have to say that it is impossible for me to get my mind around Him and everything that He entails, which is why I seek to know more of Him. Many times we position ourselves to be lonely through our perspective on life. A simple paradigm shift can place us in a position to be filled by the essence of who and what God is. If I place a cup under a water fountain and turn the water on then I expect the cup to be filled. If the cup is not under the fountain then the water will just run and the cup will remain empty. God's love is waiting to fill the emptiness but we have to position ourselves to be filled under the fountain of His inspiration.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Fading Romance: rejuvenate your atmosphere

Romance: Ardent emotional attachment or involvement between people; love. a romantic spirit, sentiment, emotion, or desire. Many marriages have failed because of fading romance. Many people have also forsaken God because of fading romance. Romance is not only natural but also spiritual. Romance is the gateway that leads to a greater dimension of love. There is an atmosphere that is attached to romance that attracts certain things. When there is true romance then time is usually not an issue. When you begin to place time "limits" on romance this is a definite sign that your romance may be fading. When musicians sing romantic songs or book writers write romantic novels, there is an atmosphere from within them that allows their desire to emanate on the outside. When I seek after God I have to realize that the less "limits" that I place on Him will allow me to have the best possible experience. No limits equals no restraints and this is the kind of romance from God that I desire. Whether you are seeking greater romance in your marriage or in your relationship with God there must be a change in your atmosphere (mindset, surroundings, environment, desires). The first flame which ignited your romance must be the same flame that is rekindled. There is a pure inspiration of creativity from God that can guide and revitalize your romance. When you have a rejuvenated atmosphere then you have a rejuvenated (invigorated, recharged, revitalized, renewed) romance. It takes energy and patience to rejuvenate a fading romance. I just want to encourage you today to ask yourself "how passionate are you about rejuvenating your atmosphere and experiencing a refreshed romance?."

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Rules of Engagement: the passionate embrace

Embrace: An act of holding close with the arms, usually as an expression of affection; a hug. To receive, to welcome. There are certain environments that when I enter into there is a certain atmosphere (surrounding influence). Usually when I go to the library the atmosphere is conducive for me to study. When I step into a gym to play basketball it is usually a high energy, fast pace atmosphere. The atmosphere in certain work environments is more stressful than others. There are certain environments that you can not enter into if you are not dressed appropriately, because the atmosphere is not conducive for that type of apparel. When we look at these examples it becomes evident that when we seek to enter into God's atmosphere there is a certain standard that must be met in order to engage Him and His presence. One of the aspects of God is holiness. When I seek to engage God and His atmosphere I have to make sure that my lips are not tainted and that my heart is not tainted. There is a benefit to repentance that repositions us in order to engage God without disrespecting the standard of who He is. When a husband and wife engage each other in a romantic setting there are certain aromas that can be pleasant for that setting. When we seek to engage God we must recognize the spiritual aroma that we are releasing into the atmosphere. Is it a pleasant aroma or an unpleasant aroma? I just want to encourage you today to let God prepare the atmosphere of your heart and your mind, so that you can engage His presence with no restraints and be engulfed into His passionate embrace.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Losing your fire through the fire: invisible flame

Fire - burning intensity of feeling i.e. passion; ardor. A severe test; a trial or torment. Before my lifestyle was transformed through the power of God there were certain things that I had a passion (fire) for. Whenever I would get ready to go out to a night club or concert I would have a feeling of expectation and excitement. I would even try to arrive early at the night club or concert because of this expectancy. Whenever I was preparing to go out on a date I had a feeling of expectancy because I was pleased with the person I was about to meet up with. Now that my priorities have changed ever since my transformation; I have to continually examine my passion towards the things of God. Even when I used to have a bad week I would still get excited about my date or that night club I was going to. When we begin to live for the things of God and we go through situations that challenge our joy and peace, should we lose our fire? When two fires come together there should be an even larger fire. The larger fire should engulf the smaller fire. What is the substance of your fire (passion) ? When you go through situations are you being engulfed by the situation or is your fire superimposing the situation? When your fire comes in contact with another fire what happens to your fire? The best fire is a consistent fire. Fires produce flames. Is your lifestyle a flame that someone can see (watch) or does your fire continue to fade in and out because of inconsistent passion? I just want to encourage you to stay consistent when it comes to the things of God by maintaining your passion through your persistence of seeking Him.