Blurry - To smear or stain; smudge. Something that is hazy and indistinct to the sight or mind. There are times when we encounter situations where we need the clearest perspective that we can possibly get in order to get the best results. There have been times when I was driving and the weather conditions were messy. I found myself with no windshield wiper fluid, which meant that my vision became impaired in that situation. When God speaks clearly to us about our situation(s) , are His words hindered because of the messy weather condition in our mind? Just as driving a vehicle in messy weather conditions without anything to clean the windshield can lead to an accident, is the same reason we must seek to clear our minds of mess. The word(s) of God can be like the fluid which clears our mind in blurry situations; just as the windshield wiper fluid clears the windshield. A dirty toothbrush should not be used to clean our teeth, and impure thoughts (words) are not going to clear a blurry mind. Until we use a clean substance to cleanse the messy situation of our mind than the scenery will remain blurry. The Bible is God's inspired (pure) word, so what is the inspiration behind the substance that is keeping your mind blurry? A pure/undefiled substance is what clears a blurry mind. A dirty/defiled substance is what keeps the mind blurry (stained, muddy, hazy, murky). God is also able to speak through situations/circumstances. I just want to encourage you today to let the pure substance of God's word clear your mind so that you can hear His clear voice when He speaks to you through your mind and/or situation.
1 comment:
Praise the LORD, Scott. It's funny because you have now reminded me of a message I preached regarding driving in the rain. Good blog! Another one to make you go...hmmmm.... :) Be blessed!
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