Embrace: An act of holding close with the arms, usually as an expression of affection; a hug. To receive, to welcome. There are certain environments that when I enter into there is a certain atmosphere (surrounding influence). Usually when I go to the library the atmosphere is conducive for me to study. When I step into a gym to play basketball it is usually a high energy, fast pace atmosphere. The atmosphere in certain work environments is more stressful than others. There are certain environments that you can not enter into if you are not dressed appropriately, because the atmosphere is not conducive for that type of apparel. When we look at these examples it becomes evident that when we seek to enter into God's atmosphere there is a certain standard that must be met in order to engage Him and His presence. One of the aspects of God is holiness. When I seek to engage God and His atmosphere I have to make sure that my lips are not tainted and that my heart is not tainted. There is a benefit to repentance that repositions us in order to engage God without disrespecting the standard of who He is. When a husband and wife engage each other in a romantic setting there are certain aromas that can be pleasant for that setting. When we seek to engage God we must recognize the spiritual aroma that we are releasing into the atmosphere. Is it a pleasant aroma or an unpleasant aroma? I just want to encourage you today to let God prepare the atmosphere of your heart and your mind, so that you can engage His presence with no restraints and be engulfed into His passionate embrace.
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