Loneliness: a feeling where people experience a powerful surge of emptiness and solitude. Dejected by the awareness of being alone. Without companions. There are times in our lives when we reach certain points of realization. My mother raising me by herself was normal to me because I was used to a single-parent household. There have been times in my adulthood that I have reflected back and wondered how having two parents would have changed the dynamic of my childhood. I was in a position in my childhood to feel lonely but refused to focus on the predicament at the time. There may be times when we have positioned ourselves to be victimized by the inspiration of loneliness, but making the choice of what to consume our thoughts with can be the ultimate turning point. There are things that you can consume your mind with and eventually get tired of. There are also things that can lead your mind to wanting to know more and a certain curiosity can begin to develop. If I was to use God as an example; I would have to say that it is impossible for me to get my mind around Him and everything that He entails, which is why I seek to know more of Him. Many times we position ourselves to be lonely through our perspective on life. A simple paradigm shift can place us in a position to be filled by the essence of who and what God is. If I place a cup under a water fountain and turn the water on then I expect the cup to be filled. If the cup is not under the fountain then the water will just run and the cup will remain empty. God's love is waiting to fill the emptiness but we have to position ourselves to be filled under the fountain of His inspiration.
Thank you, Scott. Sometimes we think we are the only ones going through something. Sometimes when we are going through something, we are not sure how to get out of it. This hit home with me because I have been dealing with this for the past week or so. I am just tired of it. All the things I have tried before to get past this are not working this time. So, I thank you for helping me make a shift that i needed to make, but I didn't realize it. Thank you so much. You have done it once again! May the LORD richly bless you this Christmas and throughout your new year!
I agree with Christine. This was an awesome blog. Very needful in this time to keep our focus on Jesus and not our situation.
Be Blessed,
Bro. Scott
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