Addicted: the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming. We live in an era where we have access to many more images and sounds than was accessible just a decade ago. Images enter into your soul through your eye gate and sound enters into your soul through your ear gate. How secure are your gates? If you have a clogged heart then a doctor can perform surgery to have it unclogged. If you have a tumor then a doctor can perform surgery to remove the tumor. How do you remove something that is destroying you psychologically (mentally) and emotionally through your heart and your mind? How do you begin to measure (access) the condition when it can not be seen with an x-ray? Can a doctor perform surgery on a heart that is suffering with depression? Can a doctor perform surgery on someone who has Aids but still continues to spread their illness because of their condition of lust? (how do you surgically remove lust?) There is a practitioner which has performed spiritual surgery on me on numerous
occasions. God is the ultimate surgeon and is capable of removing any condition (i.e. addictions). Never seek a physical(visible) remedy to heal a spiritual (invisible) condition. X-rays pinpoint physical conditions but God knows the
condition of our heart and our mind. Just as eating the wrong foods can clog our arteries, thinking the wrong thoughts can clog our minds, and negative emotions can clog our hearts. I just want to encourage you to seek the right physician so that you can be given the right remedy and begin to live life to its fullest.
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