Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Becoming Desensitized: one pleasureful experience after another

Desensitized: To render insensitive or less sensitive. To make emotionally insensitive or unresponsive. Numb, weakened, anesthetize, watered down, or dull. Have you ever experienced something to the point where it became boring to you? I myself gain satisfaction from learning new information and concepts. I have come to the realization that the more you are exposed to something then the more desensitized you can become. When someone views sex as a recreational activity how does this impact their level of sensitivity towards the true concept of intimacy? When someone has been exposed sexually to multiple partners then their level of sensitivity becomes mutated (impacted). The climax that someone experiences when they try their first drug is a climax that they continue to seek after. They fail to realize that the 10th experience will never be the same as the 1st experience. The 12th sexual experience will never be the same as your 1st sexual experience. The 7th kiss will never be the same as the 1st kiss. The 3rd person that you fall in love with will never be the same as the 1st love that you experience. The first experience is always the original experience and everything that comes after that experience will never be considered the original. Many people are seeking to re-live an original experience. Multiple sexual experiences will never equate to the original experience. You can only lose your virginity once. How many pleasureful experiences do you have to experience before you realize that lust is like a black hole that can never be filled and just continues to grow exponentially? Lust is like a parasite that is fueled by your curiosity. This parasite eats away at your youth, your morality, your character, and your life force. Over my life there have been many things that I have been desensitized to. Have you ever experienced an original experience that transformed your life? In 2003 I experienced the original presence of God as I arose out of the water from being baptized in his name. When will you allow yourself to experience this original experience?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Chemicals of Seduction: the embracing of atmospheres

Seduction: The act of seducing. Something that seduces or has the qualities to seduce; an enticement. The act of influencing by exciting hope or desire. We live in a world where images are used to influence behavior. Many times we may experience what we see and then feel disappointed, because we do not feel that what we experienced measured up to our expectation(s) of what was seen. How can something which is pleasing to your eyes still leave you with a feeling of emptiness? Just because something is pleasing to the eye does not mean that it is pleasing to the heart and the mind. It is so easy to become seduced when you are unaware of the chemicals of seduction. In order for seduction to be activated there must be certain factors (chemicals) in motion. Time, attraction, and familiarity are three of the chemicals which once they are infused (mixed) together can create an atmosphere which is conducive to the outcome of seduction. Ignorance and naivete are two ingredients which can not prevent this outcome of seduction; it only intensifies the results. Many men are capable of seducing women in order to fulfill their animalistic(inferior) urges, which gives them but a moment of gratification. Serial killers have been known to seduce their victims. Pornography is known for seducing millions of people per year which in turn desensitizes them to what true romance really is. Seduction can lead to death, both physically and spiritually. In order for someone to be seduced there must first be a seducer. There is a force which seeks to seduce your heart and your mind in order to paralyze your destiny. God is the only force that I personally know of that can suppress and eradicate any spirit of seduction. Will you allow yourself to be paralyzed by the venom and vapors of seduction or will you allow God total access into your atmosphere?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Navigating a Slave Ship: enslaved by the cargo of your mind

Enslaved: To put into slavery; make a slave of. To dominate; subjugate. Bind, capture, chain, reduce, restrain, restrict, incarcerate, suppress, yoke, or deprive. If your mind was an example of a ship who would you say is the captain of that ship? Who or what navigates your mind through the unstable waters of life? A ship can be labeled (identified) by the type of cargo (load) that it is carrying. If a ship is carrying slaves then it can be called a slave ship. Every ship has a captain so that the ship can be directed (navigated) . Some cargo can be either dead or alive. No matter whether the cargo is dead or alive the captain is still responsible for the cargo. Sometimes we allow the thoughts (cargo) of our mind to navigate us through life. These thoughts can be an example of dead (no life) cargo. How can dead cargo navigate a ship? What influence(s) can cause our thoughts to become dead? We should always remain cognizant of how our thoughts are being influenced. Thoughts of lust, unforgiveness, and confusion do not bring (add to) life but rather extract (take away) from true life. These are thoughts of bondage. A slave is submissive (inferior, subservient) to a specified person or influence. What influence(s) is your mind submissive to? A captain can cause a ship to go off course and to be trapped. So many minds are trapped and off course because they were navigated by the wrong captain. I tried to navigate my way through this life before and I came to many dead ends. It is hard to navigate a ship when darkness is always in the midst. My thoughts of darkness were hindering my progress in life. The captain of the ship of my mind was the wind (atmosphere, influence) of darkness. I eventually came to the realization that only God could guide the ship of my mind through these murky waters called life. Is the captain of your mind causing your ship(mind) to be a ship of slavery(bondage) or a ship of freedom?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pouring Precious Fluid Into A Broken Vessel

Precious: Of high cost or worth; valuable. Highly esteemed; cherished. Expensive, costly, exquisite, fine, adored, and priceless. Have you ever poured your time , energy, and creativity into something, only for the results to be less than desirable? Parents try to pour morals into their children, teachers seek to pour knowledge into their students, artists seek to pour creativity into their art work, and spouses seek to pour love into one another. What do you do when the vessel that you are pouring into has been broken (damaged) by the circumstances of life? Does an investor continue to invest in stock that has lost its value and there are no signs of recovery? Should the teacher stop teaching? should the artist stop painting? should the investor stop investing? How much precious fluid (i.e. time, energy, love) should be wasted before someone stops pouring into the fractured vessel? As I sit here I wonder to myself if the precious fluid is ever able to repair the broken vessel. Can the wine in a wine bottle repair a damaged bottle? I personally do not have the power to repair the broken vessel of someones heart or mind. I do understand though that when the vessel of my mind was fractured through the experiences of life there was a substance that repaired the ruptured areas. I allowed the fluid (substance) of God's atmosphere to begin the repairing process. The substance of God's atmosphere superimposed (encapsulated) the vessel of my mind and began to restore the areas that had been damaged through the circumstances of life. I just want to encourage you to realize that the quality of the substance of your vessel (i.e. heart, mind) is only as strong as the atmosphere that your vessel is linked to. Allow the vessel of your heart and mind to be positioned correctly in the right atmosphere (surrounding influence(s)), so that God's precious fluid can flow through the walls of your vessel unrestrained.