Enslaved: To put into slavery; make a slave of. To dominate; subjugate. Bind, capture, chain, reduce, restrain, restrict, incarcerate, suppress, yoke, or deprive. If your mind was an example of a ship who would you say is the captain of that ship? Who or what navigates your mind through the unstable waters of life? A ship can be labeled (identified) by the type of cargo (load) that it is carrying. If a ship is carrying slaves then it can be called a slave ship. Every ship has a captain so that the ship can be directed (navigated) . Some cargo can be either dead or alive. No matter whether the cargo is dead or alive the captain is still responsible for the cargo. Sometimes we allow the thoughts (cargo) of our mind to navigate us through life. These thoughts can be an example of dead (no life) cargo. How can dead cargo navigate a ship? What influence(s) can cause our thoughts to become dead? We should always remain cognizant of how our thoughts are being influenced. Thoughts of lust, unforgiveness, and confusion do not bring (add to) life but rather extract (take away) from true life. These are thoughts of bondage. A slave is submissive (inferior, subservient) to a specified person or influence. What influence(s) is your mind submissive to? A captain can cause a ship to go off course and to be trapped. So many minds are trapped and off course because they were navigated by the wrong captain. I tried to navigate my way through this life before and I came to many dead ends. It is hard to navigate a ship when darkness is always in the midst. My thoughts of darkness were hindering my progress in life. The captain of the ship of my mind was the wind (atmosphere, influence) of darkness. I eventually came to the realization that only God could guide the ship of my mind through these murky waters called life. Is the captain of your mind causing your ship(mind) to be a ship of slavery(bondage) or a ship of freedom?
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