Precious: Of high cost or worth; valuable. Highly esteemed; cherished. Expensive, costly, exquisite, fine, adored, and priceless. Have you ever poured your time , energy, and creativity into something, only for the results to be less than desirable? Parents try to pour morals into their children, teachers seek to pour knowledge into their students, artists seek to pour creativity into their art work, and spouses seek to pour love into one another. What do you do when the vessel that you are pouring into has been broken (damaged) by the circumstances of life? Does an investor continue to invest in stock that has lost its value and there are no signs of recovery? Should the teacher stop teaching? should the artist stop painting? should the investor stop investing? How much precious fluid (i.e. time, energy, love) should be wasted before someone stops pouring into the fractured vessel? As I sit here I wonder to myself if the precious fluid is ever able to repair the broken vessel. Can the wine in a wine bottle repair a damaged bottle? I personally do not have the power to repair the broken vessel of someones heart or mind. I do understand though that when the vessel of my mind was fractured through the experiences of life there was a substance that repaired the ruptured areas. I allowed the fluid (substance) of God's atmosphere to begin the repairing process. The substance of God's atmosphere superimposed (encapsulated) the vessel of my mind and began to restore the areas that had been damaged through the circumstances of life. I just want to encourage you to realize that the quality of the substance of your vessel (i.e. heart, mind) is only as strong as the atmosphere that your vessel is linked to. Allow the vessel of your heart and mind to be positioned correctly in the right atmosphere (surrounding influence(s)), so that God's precious fluid can flow through the walls of your vessel unrestrained.
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