Seduction: The act of seducing. Something that seduces or has the qualities to seduce; an enticement. The act of influencing by exciting hope or desire. We live in a world where images are used to influence behavior. Many times we may experience what we see and then feel disappointed, because we do not feel that what we experienced measured up to our expectation(s) of what was seen. How can something which is pleasing to your eyes still leave you with a feeling of emptiness? Just because something is pleasing to the eye does not mean that it is pleasing to the heart and the mind. It is so easy to become seduced when you are unaware of the chemicals of seduction. In order for seduction to be activated there must be certain factors (chemicals) in motion. Time, attraction, and familiarity are three of the chemicals which once they are infused (mixed) together can create an atmosphere which is conducive to the outcome of seduction. Ignorance and naivete are two ingredients which can not prevent this outcome of seduction; it only intensifies the results. Many men are capable of seducing women in order to fulfill their animalistic(inferior) urges, which gives them but a moment of gratification. Serial killers have been known to seduce their victims. Pornography is known for seducing millions of people per year which in turn desensitizes them to what true romance really is. Seduction can lead to death, both physically and spiritually. In order for someone to be seduced there must first be a seducer. There is a force which seeks to seduce your heart and your mind in order to paralyze your destiny. God is the only force that I personally know of that can suppress and eradicate any spirit of seduction. Will you allow yourself to be paralyzed by the venom and vapors of seduction or will you allow God total access into your atmosphere?
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