Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Single but Attached: The Invisible Strings of Connection

Attached: Being joined in close association. Fond and affectionate. To bind, fasten, tie, or connect. Link, secure, become associated with, and committed. When you hear an individual say they are single what comes to mind? When I hear that statement, I picture a person with no connection. Many people are dating but still consider themselves single because there is no commitment. Many people are in intimate relationships but still consider themselves single because there is no commitment. Do your words make you single or do your actions make you single? The answer is both.

A person can abstain from sexual relations for months at a time, but if their heart and mind are still attached to the sensations and/or urges associated with sex, then they are only physically detached but not mentally or emotionally detached from sex. There are multiple ways to remain attached to something: invisible strings called "urges" can link the heart to situations; and invisible strings called "memories" can connect our minds to past events. Can someone be single and still crave the intimacy of the opposite sex? The invisible strings called "cravings" disqualify you from being considered totally single. Your mind is not single from thoughts that have attached themselves to your cerebral membrane (mind), like parasites (leeches) attach to a host. Your heart is not single from the emotions that cause you to seek to fulfill your next urge in a never-ending cycle of lust.

Ask yourself, "Am I totally single or just living a lie?" Invisible strings of connection may cause you to call a particular person just to hear their voice. Invisible strings of connection can cause you to miss being with a particular person. Invisible strings of connection can cause you to desire being intimate with a particular person. I have come to the realization that these invisible strings can hinder our relationship with Jesus if they are not addressed. Do you have any invisible strings of attachment in your life? Who are you seeking to be connected to?

1 comment:

farradh a locke said...

I think that i still have invisible strings to my ex girlfriend, sometimes i do call her jus to no that she is still around, knowing that she still loves me is still does somthing for me. even when i know i should cut all ties. she knows that im changing my life for jesus, but i still call and we talk for hours sometimes. i know i need to completely cut her off is jus so hard being alone. but than i again ifeel god stering in me, i feel god tryng to change me so today i give it up to the lord 8/18/09