Wednesday, July 29, 2009

When the body becomes the tool of an infested mind

Infest: to live in or overrun to an unwanted degree or in a troublesome manner. to be parasitic in or on (a host) . Ravage, infiltrate, penetrate, invade, flood, occupy, plague, or inhabit. Think back to a time when you had to use a pair of gloves to clean something so that you could protect your hands from bacteria. Imagine if you didn't wash with soap for a period of time, eventually bacteria would begin to build up on your body. How often do you clean the surface of your mind from parasitic thoughts that attach themselves to the fabric of your mind? How can you clean something that you can not see? When I close the top on a washing machine I can not see the cleaning process but I know that the end result is clean clothes. When your thoughts are expressed (produced) are they clean or are they tainted. Dirty water will produce dirty clothes just as unclean thoughts will produce an unclean lifestyle. Imagine your body as a tool which is responsible for expressing the images of your mind. If your mind was symbolic of the water in the washing machine and your lifestyle was symbolic of the clothes coming out of the washing machine. Would your clothes(lifestyle) be clean?

Do you need to change the method in which the surface of your mind is being cleansed? Thoughts come from inspirations and those inspirations can either be tainted or pure. What cleaning solution are you using to sanitize the surface of your mind? Some stains are harder to remove than other stains. The longer a stain remains (saturates) on a surface can make it more difficult to remove that stain. If we were to examine the surface of our minds can we honestly say that the stains have been removed? E.g. Stains (thoughts) of abuse, stains of heartbreak, stains of loneliness, stains of depression, stains of doubt, stains of lust. I personally can say that there is one cleaning solution which is capable of removing all stains. This solution is the word of God. Until the right solution is applied the stain(s) will remain, and your body will continuing being the tool (puppet) of an infested mind.

1 comment:

cassandra (COOLJC Atlanta) said...

Great post as always. I have to cleanse myself from past hurt so I am able to receive God's blessings for me. Living in bondage is a horrific state of being. So I made a decree to myself that I must cleanse my mind and study the word of God so all unatural thnigs can be purged from me and I can be filled with God's spirit.