Wound: A mental or emotional hurt or blow. Anguish, bruise, cut, damage, gash, heartbreak, laceration, lesion, pain, slash, torment, or trauma. Have you ever been through a situation where you were able to look back and see how you were spared(preserved) from more damage than you actually experienced/deserved? There could have/should have been more damage done to you but fortunately grace overshadowed you from suffering a greater wound. Wounds are usually caused by something which pierces the skin externally. How do you prevent (protect yourself) from a wound which pierces you internally. Just as a flower rises(pierces) through the soil of the ground, a wound of experience(life) can rise through the soil of your heart and the soil of your mind. There have been many wounds of experience that I have been healed from. I have come to the realization that it is not realistic to go through this life believing that I am immune to all of the
wounds(circumstances) of life. Am I defined by my wounds or am I refined by my wounds. If my wounds defined me then I would have been a manifestation(portrait) of failure a long time ago. Do you use the wounds(circumstances) of life to catapult you into becoming who you are meant(destined) to be, or are your wounds keeping you bound(paralyzed) in your past? How many wounds of deceit, disappointment, heartbreak, loneliness, depression, and failure must one experience in order to be refined into the image(reflection) that God is carving (shaping) them into. Do we have the right to tell God to take us off of the potter's wheel of destiny and purpose. The spiritual clay used by God to shape and form us can be likened to the clay of life which shapes and forms our paradigm(perspective) of life. How many wounds are you willing to endure in order to be refined into the person you are meant to be?
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