Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Seeking a vaccine for the Swine Flu (H1N1), but EXPOSED to sin

Exposed: To subject or allow to be subjected to an action, influence, or condition. To make visible. Naked, uncovered, vulnerable, accessible, unguarded, unprotected. This season is considered "flu season", so all over the United States people are getting their seasonal flu vaccine (i.e. flu shot) . I went to the Center for Disease Control website and it was stated that "anyone who wants to reduce their chances of getting seasonal flu can get a seasonal influenza vaccine." If it makes sense to seek safety from a virus which has the potential to kill you, then wouldn't it make sense to seek safety from a spiritual condition which also has the potential to kill you?

Just as the flu has the potential to kill someone so does the condition (power) of sin. How are you vaccinating yourself against this condition? Sin can be defined as "missing the mark(standard) of God for your life." Many times we try to "get ourself right" before we come to God. If I was able to educate myself before I went to college, then there would have been no need for me to attend college. If we could "get ourself right" before we came to Christ, then there would have been no need for Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. The blood that Jesus shed on the cross was the vaccine for our sins. How do you access this vaccine? This spiritual vaccine can be activated by "repentance" and "confession", and this can begin the process in regards to someone becoming vaccinated (inoculated) against the condition (power) of sin. How desperate are you to live?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I say AMEN again!!!!