Thursday, February 18, 2010

Crosses & Crutches: Which One Will you Choose?

Cross - an affliction that tries one's virtue, steadfastness, or patience.
Crutch - a support typically fitting under the armpit for use by the disabled in walking

As I reflect back on my life and contemplate I realize that there are a plethora (multitude) of excuses (crutches) that I could have used to justify why I ended up in certain situations. As I look at the definition of a crutch I can see that it is used by those who are disabled(i.e. spiritually, emotionally, or mentally) . I work and interact with people on a weekly basis who have become disabled(crippled) by circumstances in their life. Whether the circumstance started years ago or recently; they have become sedated (tranquilized) by their condition. The crutch(past experience) has become easier for them to lean on rather than walking under their own strength. Some crutches can include molestation, rape, disease, poverty, sexual addiction, alcoholism, or abuse.

As I am sitting here, I came across a scripture in Luke 9:23 where Jesus states " If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." How many of us are leaning on crutches(past circumstances) and how many of us are taking up crosses(instruments of strengthening & perfecting)? It is impossible to become healed while nurturing (nourishing) a disabled mindset which started with an experience from your past. Crutches are made out of past experiences which seek to keep us disabled and paralyzed. Is your destiny larger than your crutch? There comes a point in our lives when we have to stop leaning on the crutch and start carrying our cross, just as Jesus carried his cross. I want to dedicate this blog to a deacon at my church who began speaking to me about this topic and it was the inspiration for this writing.

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